
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Thursday, February 21, 2019

A Pittsburgh Reprieve

Last  weekend, Mrs ViscountEric and I achieved a relationship level unheard of in the last decade.

We spent an entire weekend away, together, without kids.

That's right, from Friday morning to late Sunday night, without kiddos, and actually out of the house.

I heartily recommend it to everyone.

Right after the kids jumped on the bus, the Missus and me jumped in the car and headed out to Pittsburgh to meet up with friends, attend two Penguin games, and hide in a hotel room without interruptions from kids until our nervous giggling went away.

The Penguins split with the weekend, but between our awesome seats and and a flurry of offense, we couldn't complain.
They did move the Zamboni before play started....
 We ate meals without distraction, and were content, instead of bloated or still starving.

My wife may have had one or three too many and attempted to kidnap the Penguin's knitting lady (yes that's a thing).  I gotta check out the statute of limitation before admitting to knowing anything.

After the Saturday afternoon game, we met the infamous Wooly and his wife for dinner at Burgatory (I could find no fault with the place, since we made reservations) and an evening of normal gaming at Rivers Casino.  Wooly has gotten bit by the Battletech bug, but lack of players in Johnstown and a childless over-scheduling of their weekend is keeping him from meeting groups further away.

I will say, I will put a 20% chance that he might show for Cold Wars.
ViscountEric and Wooly surrounding the finest fake plant on the 3rd floor of the Rivers Casino
So, filling in the other stuff I usually mention:

*Basketball is finally winding down.  The kids were off at a different location with relatives, so they missed last weekend's games.  For Millie it was the last game of the season, but for Maja, I already talked about how her playoffs started.  Two more players couldn't make it on Saturday, so her team was down to five players, still a feat, even against the worst team in the league.   We kept in contact with one of the parents on-site, and although it was a struggle, the Fierce Five pulled off a 10-6 win against the Cavs.  A most advantageous win for us, while we will now play a team that outscored its opponents 62-23 in its first two games, the Cavs were trounced 27-11 in their loser's bracket game, which I assume would be the Fierce Five's as well.

*I am pre-registered for Cold Wars, with a local hotel pre-paid.  Probably hitting the dealers, flea market, and whatever gnome games might show up.

*No train show this year.  The afternoon start times for basketball on Saturday, plus a Women in Sports camp on Sunday morning have forced me to scratch the annual trip, a visit to my Mom, and perhaps some face-to-face gaming with my friends.

*Scrapping Mepacon,too:  Non-kid family issues have made me give up on attempting to attend the local Scranton con.

*My annual post-tax return big minis order goes to Reviresco/  Add my shopping list for Cold Wars and my future Colonial games will have a lot of simple figures to paint up.

*Blogging-wise, I have an ever-growing list of games, projects, ideas, and cool stuff to review, but there is some progress, albeit long-term.  I continue to keep a two-month buffer for Lost Dispatches of Feraso entries, and all twelve of my BECMI D&D actual play posts for Adventures in Gulluvia are scheduled to go once Lost Dispatches ends.

*Other than the bulk Colonials minis, the next month still looks to be role-playing with a smattering of news.  Season three, episode six of the Pulp Game is raring to go.  

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