
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Monday, March 4, 2019

Colonial Figures from Reviresco (

 Despite some grumblings about a reduced tax return, with a very minor adjustment to my paycheck, the IRS processed everything lickety-split.  That allowed me to go all-in with the Steve Jackson Pocket Box Kickstarter  and a long-delayed order to Reviresco ( for some bulk colonials.

I've long been lured to the higher-priced, better quality figures in my long quest to build some Colonial skirmish units. Two or three bucks a figure is dirt cheap compared to their fantasy counterparts, but it adds up quickly when there are two units of twenty. 

Reviresco offers bulk troop packs for dirt cheap prices, so I decided to splurge on a unit pack of 28mm Senegalese Tirailleurs, a unit pack of 28mm British soldiers in Pith helmets, a 28mm Askari MG Team, a 25mm Armored car, and a 25mm cardstock kit for River Gunboat

I placed my order online and got it with a week.
The spoils for war (save the river gunboat)
The figures are better sculpted than I anticipated, however, scale surprised me. 

Knowing the armored car was specifically listed as 25mm, I knew it was going to be small, but I regularly use undersized Matchbox trucks, so I could accepted that.  It comes with a LOT of tiny pieces, but instructions are included!

I also had a preconceived notion that the 28mm figures to be undersized compared to the 28(30?)mm Brigade Games figures I already have.  The Sengalese are slightly smaller, but well within the acceptable range of a table full of figures. Flash and mold lines exist and are quite tolerable.

The British have to be mislabeled 25mm, because they are downright tiny, even when compared to my 25mm Grenadier fantasy figures!
British, Sengalese, Askari (Brigade Games), and another Sengalese for comparison.  Perhaps the British are just very small Welshmen?
The Askari MG team is similarily proportioned to the Sengalese, so I'm thinking it's an issue with that series of models. 

Despite the British midgets, I'm happy with the rest of my order. I did get downstairs last night for some painting in the first time in MONTHS, so after the backlog of Blue Martians and a super-special Cold Wars project, the Sengalese will be up on the painting block.  I probably will pick up a pack or two of the British Colonials through Brigade when I get to Lancaster.  

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