
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Sunday, March 31, 2019

Halfway There....

Regular readers know I use some strange government-style October to September calendar to track my gaming stuff, and besides Easter and April Fool's, tomorrow is also the start of the second half of that calendar.

Blogging:   Out of over 160 posts, cons and my impromptu "fun" Call of Cthulhu games dominate the views:
#1 Fall-In 2018 AAR
#2 Cold Wars 2019 AAR
#3 Curse of Nevoz #3 - Fourteen Beers at Chili's
#4 Curse of Nevoz #1 - Clean Up, Aisle Four!
#5 (Review) Chickapig
#6 The Keg Golem
#7 The Cold Wars PEL is Up! 
#8 Duke Seifried (1935-2018)
#9 (Kickstarter) OGRE Battlefields
#10 Apathy of the New Releases (Dec '18)

A little more variety than last year, which had Fall-In, Cold Wars, and the Pigeon God Actual Plays filling the top ten.

Curse of Nevoz: I'm a bit shocked how popular the Curse of Nevoz, Cthulhu-Actual-Play have been.  Good thing I'm cobbling together a few more Canadian College Cthulhu games involving conspiracies, maple syrup grunge music, the Audic theories of Leopold von Brunheld, and, thanks to this week's Ken and Robin Talk About Stuff, Pistachio heists.

D&D:  Unlike the previous Actual Plays, my Lost Dispatches of Feraso is a true labor of love.  I figure I have another half a year of weekly posts to write-up, cobbling together a narrative through Elsderth Greyhawk, while regaling the stories of my high school group of thirty years prior, and other campaign-based games until the Ballad of the Pigeon God took over.  At this rate, I seriously doubt any of my current Adventures of Gulluvia mini-campaign to make an appearance until 2020.

The 5e online game I play every Monday night continues to have its ups and downs, but it's a few hours carved into my schedule every week, so I will never complain too much.

Very similar to this time last year, Falgor the Barbarian's campaign boredom has been replaced by a hidden civilization, cues to get home, and an overwhelming desire to pick a fight to earn the 15 xp he was short to level last week.  .

Painting:  I haven't finished a mini since Fall-In! As I regularly complain, real life sucks, although there are a couple dozen figures with base coats sitting on the bench.  Last year I only got two dozen items finished and ended my gaming year with 87, so there is hope.

Purchases:  My Colonial order from Reviresco (plus a river gunboat!) was the biggest expenditure for the year, although the random box o' 40k for twenty bucks from the Fall-In! flea market was probably the best deal.

Kickstarter: I started six months ago with a few tiny "fun" Kickstarters, but I recently dove in big-time with pledges for "Not-Squats" for Sandstorm Wars twice, and the full pledge for Steve Jackson Games Pocket Box Games of the 80's campaign.

Of course, Reaper Bones 4 has started to ship to pledges outside of North America, so my backlog of figures continues to grow, as well as my excitement for Bones 5.

The Old 350:  Sometime last year I half-heartedly made a pledge to keep my number of pending  posts and drafts down to a combined 350. Between personal sloth, the Lost Dispatches, and Gulluvia, this has grown out of control to 440 (329 Draft - 111 Scheduled). I guess the good news is that, even if I keep up my recent lazy ways, at least 25 fall off that numbers through the end of May (7 Drafts and 18 Scheduled).  When Summer starts, I better start getting productive working off the list, and even if I do #RPGaDay should be back, creating a backlog of 30+ scheduled posts.

There's just too much good stuff out there.

Mid-year Goals, Revised
Halfway through my year, things are getting tweaked.
  1. Stuffed Fables - We just got this as a gift, so prepping and painting the figures is priority #1 of the girls!  
  2. Family Time - As hockey season winds down, I forsee more time for family game night.  We've gamed from Chickapig to Yahtzee (with Mrs. ViscountEric).  I see Ponies in my future, plus a return to some old board game favorites.
  3. Painting: Of Martians and Mice - With everything else piling up, my blue martians (golbins) and Mouslings are least block painted, and after seeing "Award Winning GM" Mike Lung's sci-fi game at Cold Wars, I'd like to make some progress on my random sci-fi stuff.
  4. Building on the Zulus:  I bought an Unmarried Zulu impi at Cold Wars.  While the Pulp Game is still spinning its tires in the midst of Season 3, I'm a bit more motivated for projects for the first few sessions of Season 4, plus some Contemptible Little Armies action.
  5.  The Pulp Game:  The "Bad Guy" Season 3 was intriguing, but not practical
  6.  Historicon - What originally looked like a day trip at best has turned into a full weekend assisting with the HMGS Teacher's Program.  Still pondering whether I will return to my Battle of Yellowstone game, since it is an educational and interactive game.

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