
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Lost Dispatches of Feraso #19 - Feraso City

Feraso City, capital of the Kingdom of Ras-Prythax

To His Lordship, the Viscount Wilfrick of Verbobonc,

We have arrived in Feraso City!

I must admit that I did not originally comprehend the size of the city.  I believed we had reached the city when we arrived at the western gate to the lands the City-State, more than six miles beyond the outer suburbs!

Duke Hughethan Reikhoff and Prince Gregor of Ostverk used their position and title to full effect, moving ahead of the vast line of farmers, merchants, and regular folk awaiting entrance into the city proper.

We obtained lodging, not from a high class inn, but rather the home of Count Wilhelm and Countess Dagmar, landless nobles who were supported directly by the crown.

Duke Hughethan had sent a runner announcing our intentions, and once we were washed up and "civilized," we were called to the Palace.

The only person that rivals my respect for the Krugraf Mykul I is you, my Lord, but his court is filled with some of the most pretentious, yet aberrant souls, I have ever encountered.  They jeered the good Duke's tale of the attacks on Schattenwurf, the invading brigands from Enstead, the disappearance of the wizard Greenwall, and mad, mocking howls of lamentation when he dared mention the old temple holding base to a cult of elemental evil.

Krugraf Mykul quited down his court, and admonished a few of his members for rather uncouth behavior, and focused on further questions for Duke Hughethan and his cohort, namely the Order of Merit. concerned.  Other officers of the court would later interview for specifics.

Krugraf Mykul is a pious man with a stern disposition, but he does have a certain penchant for adventurers.  I've cobbled together enough information from numerous sources to discover the Krugrafs of Ras-Prythax after the Great Barbarian Incursion wished to emulate the adventuring swagger of the many of the early kings of the Second Ferasean Empire, and of course, the famed exploits of Yotia Barthey and the Farmesks of the First Empire.

Unfortunately, the status of the office or the amount of time dedicated to governance created situations were true "adventuring" was unwieldy, expensive, or worse yet, deadly for the heir. 

Since then, adventuring escapades are forbidden to the crown and his heirs, but he certainly enjoyed our moderately expanded exploits and loved our minor stories of interest with the mindless warlords of Wyrmnal.

I'm sending this letter to you post-haste after the meeting, in hopes that it arrives before the Krugraf's correspondence or envoy does, because they will quite certainly make inquiries regarding the ne'er do wells at the temple that is in your domain.

We were allowed to leave his court and were further questioned by various officials to get specific details of the crisis to the north.

One thing that I did manage to acquire from the officials, was the use of the palace offices for any future correspondence I might seek.  I believe I have a much better chance at returning to Feraso City for letters, than my family's failed mill back home.

We were each provided a significant grant to further our careers, the Duke thanked us for our service to him and the Crown, and we were left to our own devices.

As I hurriedly finish this letter, I will let my Lord know that we plan on some celebration, some equipment upgrades (perhaps I should finally wear a chain shirt to protect me), and the other have discussed furthering our adventuring careers into the Weissmach to the east. 
Your Humble Servant,
Elsderth Greyhawk
Former Sellsword, Sage of the Order of Merit, and Personal Escort of Duke Hugethan Reikhoff of Ostverk.

Next: #20 Greetings from THE Weissmach!

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