
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Thursday, March 14, 2019

Slices of Life on Pi Day

On the eve of my travel to Cold Wars, I simply can't wait.

This whole "adulting" thing the "kids" are calling it (re: regular living) has beaten me down and I seriously need a weekend away, a quiet meal by myself, without the family needing to go through their routine, and hopefully a few awesome game with my friends before I return to hockey game that afternoon.

The last month since we returned from our Valentine's trip to Pittsburgh:

*The kid's basketball is almost wrapped up.  Millie's last mandatory co-ed team in the local league got second in the foul shooting contest.  Maja's team that fought bravely and undermanned in the first round couldn't overcome the eventual teams in that met in the championship game and settled for third in the playoffs and second in their foul shooting contest.  Maja's travel team became champions in their age division.  And the last league with games left that has the girls play together on the same team has one game to go and the girls are still laughing, running, and terrorizing the other players.

The driveway is clear of snow and Maja was already outside in the driveway, working "grown-up" lay-ups.

*That all being said, we ended the bulk of hockey to a ton of home games, meet and greets, and a charity hockey afternoon with the players.  All fun stuff, but a lot of restaurant visits that fill up most of our evenings.  Heck, I'll be missing a hockey game while I'm in Lancaster!

I did beat a professional athlete at bowling!  Please, no applause.

*At work I'm suffering from audits on one end of the spectrum, and an expected attrition rate for my interns.  There are really positive changes in the near future, but it's been mind numbing

*Which gets us to my excuse of the month: video game addiction.  I'm certainly not playing whatever equates to HALO/Fortnight/Castle Wolfenstein/Doom online nowadays, but my mind continued to veg out with healthy doses and me finally completing season mode on my $4 copy of NHL16 on my daughter's xBox. is no joke.  At least you can run out of lives on Candy Crush....
I've suffered through addictive personality traits back in the heyday of Atari, NES, and even some Madden in college.  But the cold, dark, neverending winter and a packed schedule put me in a daze not seen since my introduction to Civ2 (Thank God the online simulators aren't as good as the real deal).  Good news, the WBS Penguins won the Calder Cup and is off the phone, let's hope both are permanent.  

*I've got some painting done, but nothing finished for Cold Wars.  Thank goodness I'm full player mode for the weekend.  Otherwise, it's looking like some TerrainCrate stuff to whet my appetite again.  

*My Reviresco order arrived with mixed results.

*The only consistent gaming has been my Monday night 5e games, although this week's session was a bust and I needed to revisit my BECMI Gulluvia game with the guys.  Session twelve was a hum-dinger with a proper cliffhanger ending!  The first eleven are all typed up for the blog and rescheduled to be posted weekly once....

*The Lost Dispatches of Feraso wraps up.  Only problem, its episodes continue to stretch into second or third episodes for what was originally considered a single measly post.  Elsderth and the Order of Merit continue to cross paths with the after-effects of my high school D&D party's actions.  I've got seven more weeks in the can scheduled to post, and, I pray, eight more episodes to type up before the high school campaign wraps up and I move onto my mid-90s exploits.  

See everyone on the other side of Cold Wars!

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