
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Monday, April 29, 2019

ViscountEric and the Quest for Beer

Holey Moley, if this is the way my 46th year on the planet is starting, I might survive.

First off, my birthday celebration was noticeably lacking in gaming but was fun nevertheless.

From the family, I got their go-to gift, beer.  An assorted selection of two dozen random microbrews in cans and bottles, but unlike other years, they couldn't make it that easy.

With Easter the following day, and me finishing up the spring cleaning of the yard just minutes before, I was banished inside the house, and when I was called out, all twenty-four beers were hidden throughout the yard.

A birthday Easter-beer hunt, if you will.
A solid weekend of food, cake, and celebration... my only other gift of note was a copy of NHL19 from my sister (yeah 25-year franchise mode!)

Otherwise, the past two weeks have been pleasantly busy.   I've had the good fortune to get another promotion, effective the day we return from our cruise, but now is the time to get clean up everything so I can properly delegate tasks to my new staff.

Between that chaos, getting the yard ready for Spring, and packing for the cruise, I've still managed to spend some time on the painting bench. Within these past two weeks, I've managed to get two orders delivered: my Reaper Bones 4 Kickstarter swag, and a back-order I paid Brigade Games for at Cold Wars that finally arrive.  Now the already cluttered bench is covered in giants, Confederate gnomes, and the quart of mdf bases I bought, which spilled out ontop of everything.

This week,I'm hoping to actually produce something from the bench, get at least one more Lost Dispatches into the queue, and flesh out the posts that will appear while I'm away.  Through the May 15th, I have 10 out of 17 days already scheduled to post.

Time to grab some sleep and prep a reading and gaming list for the cruise.  

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