
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Lost Dispatches of Feraso #26 - The Blackash Crew


From Baron Remo, Amberstoll Citadel, Barony of Amberstoll

*Written between lines: Minor Correspondence of lesser nobility outside of Ras-Prythax but within the Ancien. - Low importance, but interesting read - Lord Parzival, Royal Adjutant*

To His Regal Majesty, Mykul, the Krugraff of all Ancien Feraso,

Greetings and well-deserved salutations from the Duchy of Sandomir, a realm of The Weissmach that looks upon the eternal rule of Your Majesty with loyalty and favor.  I write as a judicial agent serving Baron Remo of Amberstoll.  I graciously thank Your Majesty for a few moments of your time to inform you of individuals that affect beyond a single domain which is blessed with your rule.

My name is Freigraff Celeste Sonnage de la Souer, born of Agye in the Kingdom of Crosedes and Servant to the Lord of Law and Order which guides all of us, Akana.   I am trained by the theosophists of Rowand City, served as an Attendant to the Archbishop of Hydicall, and with the Church's blessings have been discharged of ecclesiastical duties to favor of eliminating necromantic or preternatural magicks pertaining to the undead.  I performed these duties pro bono for the citizens with the Ancien Empire for three years before accepting my current station of the Freigrafff of the Totenlinden of Amberstoll.

The purpose of my letter to Your Majesty is to detail my unwitting relationship with one elf, Talanth Blackash and his associates of ill repute.

I first encountered Blackash as I attempted to soothe the spirits released from the Battle of Donicks Plain many years ago.  As Your Majesty is already well aware, General Balfas led courageous legions of Fereasean men against the heathen hordes of Galmar, only to be betrayed by half-breeds disloyal to the values of the Ancien Regime.  Despite an overwhelming win by the forces of man, the General was treacherously slain.  Giant funeral pyres of the men and sub-man were created to burn the bodies and pollute the Galmar Plains with the blood of their cowardice. 

Since that time, a small, unwalled village known as Krigsgrave formed outside the barrows of the dead.  In my travels, I was contacted by the village elders to solve a problem.  Apparently the ghost of General Balfas had risen from its tomb and demanded whatever measly trinkets of tribute the villagers could afford.  I quickly surmised that it was a local brigand posing as the ghost of our noble General to swindle the poor, ignorant villagers, and not only put a stop to it, but re-secured and reconsecrated the seals and doors of the barrows as well.

Upon the celebration in the village I came upon the vile creature known as Talanth Blackash.  I must admit fault in my own character for my choice to imbibe too much during the festivities, and feel pity for who I thought was a half-breed, certainly not by choice.

In the course of our peasant gala, Blackash confided in me that his party of adventurers were in need of a cleric, and they most certainly had a knack for finding and ending the existence of certain undead.  Before I knew it, I was riding north with the group, to parts unknown.

For a number of weeks I traveled with the group, plundering ruins and subterranean lairs, while eschewing the high and noble causes.  While the group collectively did not perform any outwardly evil acts three events restored my moral ground and forced me to atone to my sins.

First was the Talanth's insistence to travel to, and set up a base of operations of the hidden pirate town of Naulantzi somewhere along the coast of the Gran Duchy of Regan. I could not understand why such so-called "heroes for hire" would associate themselves with a den of kidnappers, ransom seekers, slavers, and other various fiends.  Rumors of a great green dragon, Vesikant, pulling the strings of the humans unnerved me more.  I tried to warn the others about this, but none of them believed me, preferring drink copious amounts of potato liquor and waylay the weaker sailors and brigands.

The final item that heralded my departure was Blackash actively recruiting Derlenth, a cleric of questionable morals, faith, and allegiance.  This brazen act in front of me at the inn we were staying imported to me the realization that Blackash felt I was... expendable.  I left overnight and returned to the Duchy of Sandomir, where I continue the work of Akana to atone for my sins, apparent, and yet to be realized.

While I do not know the current location of Blackash and his associates, I implore with Your Majesty to have your guardians and wardens of the border seek out these individuals.  While some of their stories involved them falling into performing goods deed by mere accident, most of the time they visibly and intentionally avoided aiding in the common good.  By the mere hearsay of the group, they might be responsible for inciting the wildmen of Wyrmnal to cross the border into Ras-Prythax, the utter destruction of the town of Schattenwurf, and the possible disruption in divine and arcane magicks across our fair Empire.    Either the capture or permanent banishment of the group from Your lands appears to be the right and noble option for Your Majesty.

Talanth Blackash is a full blooded elf.  Part warrior, part rogue, with just a smattering of arcane cantrip magicks, he is the leader of his cohort by force of personality, a personality that disdains anything that can not help him achieve more power.  He keeps his distance from the others, acting not only as leader, but scout as well.  He actively bragged about the cloak blessed with magicks of his cursed kind, as well as the bardiche he actively displayed, only he never wielded it in the time we spent together.  The others tell of stories that the magical pole arm had killed titans and elementals they encountered fighting evil cultists.  Again, nothing could be confirmed by that.

A black and white sketch of Talanth Blackash (In reality Eldaran Eldolan, Elf Fighter from Reaper Miniatures)
Thendara Wandsregal was, at best, considered the moral compass of the group.  An accomplished wizardress before joining this group, she actively used the others to accumulate even more power.  She had a full arsenal of wands, an overflowing spellbook, and an amazing robe which appeared to generate random items out of nothingness.  Sometimes this was quite useful.  Despite the monikers of her associates, she was perhaps the hardest carouser of all, but able to hold her liquor and her passions in check when necessary.  And if she couldn't hold her vices in check, she had the power to bring the heavens down upon everyone.

Odmusson is a drunken lout, but violent warrior with no qualms with fighting anyone, no matter how meek or how powerful he is.  He is noted for wielding a rare and unusual Reverse Falchion with a magic symbol of power hovering just off the blade as he swings it.

Colegredd, an ignorant woodsman who follows along with Odmusson's drunken transgression.  Rather unremarkable, except for his dotard ways. The drunk and the idiot seem rather inseparable.

Ned Overland, the first new companion acquire in the pirate town Naulantzi, Ned appeared as a hard-drinking lothario who had lost his touch with the ladies.  Almost equally clueless as Odmuson and Colegredd, Ned did recall a story where he and two other friends saved a local town from brigands, but he did seem enamored with Talanth's ideas.

Derlenth, the second companion acquired in Naulantzi, he seemed to worship some dark god.

Your Servant Through Akana

Celeste Sonnage de la Souer
Freipriesterin die Geguntotnen 
Freigraff of the Totenlinden of Amberstoll

copy to Viscount Wilfrick of Verbobonc,


Addendum: My Lord, I have sent you this copy of the letter I aided Celeste in constructing to inform the Krugraf of the actions of the infernal Talanth Blackash and his crew.  My previous correspondence to you is unfiltered towards the true credentials of Celeste.

Your Servant
Elsderth Greyhawk.

DM Notes:  As I near 30 years of hindsight as I compile these original stories with this letter based narrative, I needed to sit back and wonder what Celeste thought of the Blackash Crew.   Or better yet, what my 11 or 12 year old sister thought of a group of 16-17 year old nerds who made her play a cleric and heal them while going on nonsensical adventures.  Throw the former scribe Elsderth into the mix to compose the letter, and you have read the results.  Outside of the magical mace and perhaps a potion or two, Celeste earned nothing but pretty basic xp from her time with the others.  

Ned Overland is our friend Wooly's first ever RPG character.  He originally patterned him after Ned Nederland from Three Amigos.

Sometime after that I introduced Crazy Daryl to the group, for mostly better and a wee bit worse.  Like many things, his cleric made a late appearance to this campaign, as he pushed us towards more GURPS, Recon, and other games... and we obliged him.  

Next:  #27 - The Viscount Responds!

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