
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Saturday, May 4, 2019

The Mandatory Pre-Cruise Post and Reading List

The family cruise is imminent!

I'm running around like a madman finishing things up at work and doing the required yard work to prevent returning to a mini-jungle.... plus I'm the lone family member who still hasn't packed for our week-long excursion to the Bahamas.

But, to be completely selfish, some of my most popular posts are the pre and post-cruise ones, so I'd foolish not to cover a little of my anticipated reading on ship balconies and under umbrellas on tropical beaches.

The Bloody White Baron by James Palmer.  The wild story of Baron Ungern-Sternberg is my main "relaxing" reading, along with revisiting the episode of Ken and Robin Talk About Stuff that talks about him.  Ultimate goal?  Star outlining a Call of Cthulhu scenario set in Mongolia.  If that doesn't work?

The Back of Beyond for Contemptible Little Armies (not pictured) The sourcebook to play in the Bloody White Baron's era.  Ultimate goal is to finish a review that's always half-finished.

Bloody Big Balkan Battles - A scenario book for the Balkan Wars for Big Bloody Battles.  I don't play that system, but it's so chock-full of cool stuff that I'd be remiss if I didn't review it and attempt to use it for Gnome Wars or any other system.  The scale of the maps suggests I might be able to make a multiple skirmish campaign out of just one of the battles. 

Redwall - The first book without alliteration, I'll be co-reading the first Redwall book with Maja.  The Hobbit/Lord of the Rings is still a bit above her, so here's hoping this fits the bill (and selfishly might spark some mousling games back home).

World of Greyhawk:  Hoping to spark a little inspiration for the write-ups of my own World of Georic, especially since the my Lost Dispatches is going into stories and modules I only have glimpses of memories of from 28 years ago.

We're also packing up the "Family Activity Relief Kit" chock full of card games, dice, and based on trunk space, perhaps a copy of Chickapig.

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