
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Lost Dispatches of Feraso #31 - The Gran Duchy of Regan


Town of Baznica, Barony of Gardzniek, Gran Duchy of Regan

To His Lordship, the Viscount Wilfrick of Verbobonc,

On route to the Free (and lawless) City of Naulantzi, the Order of Merit and myself were forced upon some of the worst conditions any of us have suffered in our lives.

The Gran Duchy of Regan is simply named for the largest dominion within the realm, but it isn't even the most powerful.  Power is a relative concept here. Regan, and the surrounding territories lumped into the term, are swamp-covered, difficult to traverse, and riddled with nasty biting insects, when the severe cold of the winter doesn't kill them off.  The lords of Regan rule isolated realms, where outsiders are either feared or taken advantage of.

This largely lawless land full of swamps, disease, and dysentery is the perfect buffer for the territorial ambitions of both Nevskia to the south, and the Knights of Talmark to the north.

The foulest horsemen of Nevskia, the most violent wildmen of the north, and the most despicable warriors of Wyrmnal have appeared to make this place their home, and the worst of each of traits oozes up like a puss-riddled sore.

The town of Baznica is the largest, most civilized place we've encountered, but it makes Nulb look like a perfect spot for a magical lyceum, a monastery to Akana, and possibly your summer hunting lodge.

Despite a few navigational snafus, Celeste assures us we will arrive in  Naulantzi in a few days... and that is where the real danger lies.

Yours in Service,

Elsderth Greyhawk
Sage of the The Order of Merit, Former Sellsword - Extraordinaire
Wielder of the Legendary Betrayer.
Freigraff of the Totenlinden of Amberstoll

Next: #32 - The Pirate City of Nauzlanti

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