
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Friday, July 19, 2019

(Kickstarter) BattleTech: Clan Invasion

Wanna make Kickstarter go crazy and you're not Reaper?

Be Catalyst Game Labs and a launch a campaign for BattleTech Clan Invasion.
This has a lot of moving parts.  Lots of stretch goals, upgrades, and swap-outs.
I won't even attempt to go through all the cool stuff they've added, but there are multiple stars of retooled Clan mechs and lances of Inner Sphere.  "Redesigned" is too extreme a term for what they're doing with 3-D rendering, and brings up the time that many of the classic mechs were completely redesigned to avoid the the true strongest threat in the universe: lawyers.

There are many cool items already in the campaign, but the neatest for me would be the all seven battlefields of the Battle of Tukayyid as a set ($30), each double-sided map in a deluxe neoprene battlemat ($30 each).

If you're finally going to do things right, you might as well go crazy.

March of 2020 appears to be the planned released of the majority of the product.

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