
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Lost Dispatches of Feraso #34 - Vesikant


Outside the Free City of Nauzlanti, Gran Duchy of Regan

To His Lordship, the Viscount Wilfrick of Verbobonc,

Despite a Dragon Temple and an actual dragon controlling this town, Nauzantil had its fair share of people willing to spout all sorts of nonsense in support of, or in defiance of, the green dragon, Vesikant.  Most were fools, but Sir Erilec was the biggest fool of all.

One of the cowardly Knights of Talmark, Erilec made killing dragons into some noble sport, like hunting stags.  He had admitted seeing the location of green dragon's lair, if not specific details.  So, with limited time, we offered our services to the knight, even if our Andrei was certain he was infamous for sacrificing hundreds of men in order to hunt wyvern and other creatures that commoners though were dragons, but were different beasts entirely.

For two days, we traveled south along the coast to the dragon's lair.  Erilec demanded we travel on foot, for the way was treacherous... and he had lost his horse.  With nary a quality steed in the city, he denied us the opportunity for any animal, and whined of his predicament the entire time.

We reached the huge mesa at the waters edge and barged through a series of defenses at the base of it with Gnoll guards to gain access.  Inside was a small lake and a huge, naturally carved tube extending up into the sky.  There was no sign of the dragon, but halfway up this tube, nearly 200 foot high, was a large opening, which might fit the dragon perfectly. 

With no climbing gear, and only a large raft on the edge of the lake as a clue, the Order unanimously decided that it was far better to leave and re-equip ourselves with the necessary tools, but Erilec would have none of that.   Enraged that his quarry was so close but unattainable, he went into a obscenity-filled tirade that made our Dwarf blush.  This was not attention we wanted, so most of us left back through the gnoll lair.   I took it upon myself to distract the knight.  In his yelling and pacing, he walked onto the raft, barely tethered to a rock.  I followed him onto the raft, deftly cut the tether and gave the craft a good push with a long paddle.

I had it in my mind to use the paddle to vault back over to the shore, stranding the Knight and his heavy armor... if he was paying attention to me at all.  One small issue:  the lake inside the mesa was bottomless and I splashed into the water.  It took some effort, but I barely pulled myself out of the water.   This action incensed the Erilec who directed his curses at me.  I met up with my compatriots near the Gnoll's entrance and asked them to wait a moment.  After a few minutes of yelling at everything, Erilec got his just rewards, a green cloud could be seen engulfing the lake.  The green fog must have not killed the Knight, for other terrifying sounds came that area, and the sound of large wings swooping could be heard.

The others wanted to run, but I did not feel like hiking up the cliffside and traveling the wide open countryside on foot with an ancient, probably very intelligent, definitely very angry dragon looking for the knight's allies.  Camping out at the Gnoll's entrance for the short term, and possibly leaving under cover of darkness would at least give us a fleeting chance.

Murag, our Dwarf, could only muse, "If the beast doesn't just fly down here right now and peel us out of the broken door like tapping raisins out of our iron rations."

A few hours after dark, we left our draconic sanctuary and stumbled up the hill, to a location a few miles further south of Vesikant's lair.   By mid-morning, we were greeted by a familiar monkey, who led us to a rocky outcropping.  There sat the merchant, Angalm Zhule and two of his trusted guards.

Between the time we made the agreement with Sir Erilec to travel her, and the time we actually departed, I made a sizable payment to the merchant to ensure he followed us, with our beloved steeds in tow.  Even if Erilec proved us wrong and the dragon was slain, how exactly were we to leave with the spoils of his treasure pile?

Angalm had sent his trusted guard Watty, to follow us from afar and meet back up with him when we arrived at the lair.  The merchant did admit that something large was moving through the clouds, but he managed to keep all the horses camouflaged among the rocks before moving to the first safe spot further south, and using the Banaani the monkey as a scout.

In all, the plan worked far better than it should.  Anglam and his other guard, Hammork, got a late start out of the city, and were only an hour or so ahead of a large contingent of mixed races waiting to hunt down the defiler of the Dragon Temple. 

With that, we mounted our horses and worked away from the sea, and the dragon's familiar territory.

Once reaching Nevskia, we split ways with Angalm and his men.  The merchant wisely converted much of his merchandise and coin into gems for easier travel.  In the mud of Nevskia, he thought it better to perhaps set up something known as an import/export business?

"There is profit to be had!"

To help him start an inventory, we happily traded Jan's scimitar and Sost's magical scimitar for a collection of gems.   In the end, the deal was less than we deserved but equally fair, since the scale mail armor for a dead priest of Tiamat much raise some eyebrows.  I know after my near-death experience, I'll stick with lighter armor, even if it's non-magical.

We meandered back through the mud of Nevskia and the eclectic dominions of Weissmach before arriving again in the Gran Duchy of Oppollo.

My Lorship, this completes my final letter related to The Weissmach.  My intention is to return to Ras-Prythax, report to the Krugraf's ministers, and ultimately return to the Viscount of Verbobonc for an indeterminate amount of time.  There is more to learn about the surrounding lands around us, and that elf Talanth Blackash, is still at large.

Yours in Service,

Elsderth Greyhawk
Sage of the The Order of Merit, Former Sellsword - Extraordinaire
Wielder of the Legendary Betrayer.
Defiler of the Temple of Tiamat
Freigraff of the Totenlinden of Amberstoll

DM Notes: Herein ends the first adventures for the Order or Merit.  Created solely to follow around the PCs from my high school campaign, they've done admirably reporting what they could ascertain, and finishing some adventures Talanth Blackash left behind.  

There are a few more adventures regarding Blackash & Company, but like a proper DM, I need to figure out what's going to occur with the Order.  After all their shared experiences, they could stay together, but they very well could break up entirely.   Elsderth's letters will be the medium for all future stories.  I just need to figure out who will continue to follow him around/get him out of trouble. 

Next: #35- Bungi the Wonder Dog

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