
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Friday, July 5, 2019

(Painting) New Middle Eastern Building

Sorry for all the weird weather across the globe, but apparently me actually finally painting something caused a disturbance in the upper atmosphere. 

Here's a two-story resin Middle Eastern building I picked up at Cold Wars 2019... and it's done!
A few 25mm sailors (Foundry) for scale.  
The fellow was sharing space with Evil Bob's Miniature Service.  It fit all my criteria: two-story, steps, a ladder, and reasonably priced.  
Not only is this the first thing I've painted since Fall-In! last year, it's the first part of a longer project for "Season 4" of my Pulp game.  Yes, I've still got a few more games to finish Season 3, but there are a couple larger items that need to get done, and this is the first one.

Next Up:  Back to sorting and cleaning the painting bench in the Kriget Rum.  Trying to finish up the Nauvoo Legion for a Gnome Wars game at Historicon and possibly some of the Bones 4 minis.  

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