
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

The Mike Lung Gallery #63 - A Very Special Palaeo Diet

Our intrepid Gaming with the Gnomies correspondent (and, of course, AWARD WINNING GM) Mike Lung has successfully combined to odd tastes:  Ganesha Games' Palaeo Diet and Occulite figures from Eagle-Gryphon games

Together, they make a very relatable, if slightly odd game. 
I’m about to play Palaeo Diet using the occulites. I’m just got everything ready to play a game. Here are some pregame pics. The first game will be a band of 5 occulites trying to kill at least one of the big Froghemoths. In my world, Froghemoths (D&D plastic figures) are an extremely large and dangerous ambush predator that tend to hide in deep pools to ambush unsuspecting occulites and other passing fauna.  
However, annually as the long winter approaches, they leave their pools and migrate to a distant breeding ground. While doing this, they sometimes form into small herds. Also, they are so compelled to make it to the breeding grounds that they tend to focus on the journey instead of hunting prey. This is when they are vulnerable to themselves being hunted by bands of occulites. 

While hunting the is still extremely dangerous, one Froghemoth kill could go a long way in feeding a band of occulites through an entire winter. For my Palaeo Diet games, I’m treating occulites similar to cavemen and the Froghemoths like mammoths.

The next is an occulite fending off an attack from an oo-tug (Reaper Filth Monster aka., D&D Otyugh). Similar to the Froghemoths, oo-guts are not in the official Occulite game. But I'm using them as an Apex Predator for my Palaeo Diet games.

The other picture is a Wymbrix (frog) and a Nymplet (Dragonfly ) which I converted/made. Both are fauna from the actual Occulite game

[This] is just a size comparison of the occulites to Gnomosapiens and Neaderfowls.

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