
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Saturday, August 17, 2019

#RPGaDay2019 Day 17: Wilson was a Powergamer

With a word like "One" for Day 17 of #RPGaDay2019, I'm either picturing A Chorus Line or Metallica: The Musical.

But I'll stick with the easier "If you were on a desert island, which one RPG book would you want to have. 

Let's assume you have other non-cannibal people on the island to enjoy the game, so you don't have to set up a LARP with nothing but inflatable sporting goods.  Perhaps we can carve some coconut dice, but character sheets might be at a minimum. 
Sorry Wilson, I needed your cleric to restart the fire....
Call of Cthulhu, 6th Edition.  No!   Unless it's an episode of Gilligan's Island, I don't see cosmic horror and madness mixing well.

AD&D 2nd Edition, No!  Try as I might, there's too much on a character sheet to keep track of, unless it's mathematically easy xp and conceptual gold

So I think my choice would need to be Savage Worlds.  It's universal, the stats are pretty easy to memorize, and I can stay busy carving a few more dice.

Guess I'm making playing cards out of palm fronds.

I'm not 100% sold on it, but it's been serving us well for small or large-scale games.

Perhaps the biggest thing that swayed me is when I read a story in a setting run in savage worlds, I follow it, even if it's using certain advantages and I'm not familiar with. 

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