
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Saturday, August 24, 2019

#RPGaDay2019 Day 24: The Triumph of Maja Millie and Friends

Historically, the weekend topics for #RPGaDay have always given me great consternation to generate a post.  Day 24 of #RPGaDAY2019 is no exception.  "TRIUMPH" creates a lot of options and interpretations.  I've also used a lot of my personal triumphs, both as a player and gamemasters, as previous posts, so I'll move on to a different subject:  Times my kids kicked ass.

I've been running "The Egypt Game" on and off for my kids (Maja and Millie) for four years now.  A Pulp skirmish-style game, it largely centers around the adventurers of archaeologist  Maja Millie and all her friends.  We've slowly moved in from Pinnacle's Savage Showdown skirmish rules into full blown Savage Worlds for gameplay.

One day, I'll finish our third "season" of games, and probably split off skirmish action from the role-playing session, but for today, let's focus on Season 1, Episodes 4 & 5 "A Simple Trade" and "A Complicated Arrangement"

In the first three episodes, I didn't play the bad guys tough, but the girls weren't helping themselves.  They had lost most of their treasures to Federales and rival treasure hunters, two fellow adventurers had disappeared and one had been kidnapped.

Down on their luck, they arranged a meeting with a questionable contact to sell off antiquities and raise forces to attempt a rescue of famed Swedish adventurer, Nils Lingonberry.
I'd probably pick a better contact than Captain Skippy McBoatswain of the SS Scoundrel 

To be expected by anyone reading these, except for my children, the deal went south.  Maja Millie and Captain Skippy went into a knock-down drag-out brawl which ended with Maja Millie plunging her knife into the captain's chest.  Her friend Bob Njano, and a mysterious furry aide kept the captain's sailors at bay with arrows and scattergun.  Jokers were drawn, dice rolls were aced, and someone, the group eluded the sailors and headed for shelter.

Right before the zombies showed up.
Part two (Episode 5) started with the surviving sailors outside, the heroes in an empty tavern,  hordes of zombies coming from multiple angles.  The sailors redeemed their shooting from the last episode, but could barely hold back the zombies coming at them.  Inside the inn, Maja Millie had a character aversion to traditional firearms, Bob Njano was out of ammo for the scattergun, and special guest Pinky the Mouse, only had so many arrows for her bow.

A quick search of the inn for anything to defeat the zombies, or at least keep them out, yielded nothing, except for Maja Millie.  Dejected like the others, she slumped against a shelf of some sort, covered by a tapestry.  Her weight pushed the tapestry off, revealing... an old timey pirate cannon

When you roll a d6 in Savage Worlds and you end up with a 21 with aces, your kid's desire to find a cannon becomes a reality.
The cannon blast took out a large group of zombies, but attracted the smaller groups towards the inn. 
With few options left, they raced up to the top of the building and made some phenomenal rolls to leap over to a zombie free building, elude capture, and "coerce" the escaping sailors to take them along. 

A few key actions, and a LOT of critical die rolls to overrule my "Yes, but..." school of Pulp and the heroes were one the road to recovery.  If that's not a Triumph against overwhelming odds, I don't know what is.

Episode 4: A Simple Trade
Episode 5: A Complicated Arrangement

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