
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Lost Dispatches of Feraso #46 - The Royal Republic of Argivia

23rd of the Month of NonDec in the Imperial Year of 1023

Town of Veles, Royal Republic of Argivia

To His Lordship, Viscount Wilifrick of Verbobonc,

As we took two days to descend from the mountains around Pelister into the low country of Argivia, I was amazed how beautiful the countryside was.  Mountains gave way to hills, and hills gave way to undulating waves of pasture and agriculture.  

Our guide since we departed Feraso City, Simon Balasz, has a knack for only speaking the wrong phrases in their native tongue, Xellnic, but somehow, after a drink in the face, a knee in the groin, or a martial stand-off, somehow he knows a trickle of Imperial Trade Tongue shows up and smooths things over. 
The Tower of Zhojenica in Epirubella
By some luck of the spirits, and the pity of the locals, we arrived in the trade town of Veles.   Simply based on the knowledge that the town was named after the petty local god of wine, music, and cattle, we established our operations here to rest a bit and to learn more about the culture

I've already relayed Argivia's proclivity to unearthed strange and unusual artifacts, but it's system of government bewilder and terrifies me even more.

Argivia eschews most forms inherited nobility and relies on a Royal Republic to govern the masses.  Their Senate is very akin to a council of nobles, where the power of the noble create the powers of the king, emperors, krugrafs.  Instead of nobles, Argivia picks men of status, landowners, mercantile leaders to meet at the capital of Argive.  The wisest and bravest of the realms arrive to vote on all sorts of initiatives.  Royal Treasury funding, public works, roads, bridges, everything is thoroughly debated before being subject to a vote.

King Phillipian isn't the true sovereign of the realm, he's more a hereditary administrator, conducting day to day business along with his administrators while the Senate decides the critical decisions and direction of the Royal Republic.

The only thing I've found similar are the alleged stories of Crown Prince Phyrrus, a young man who, like similar men of noble or royal blood, assumes his future power is much more than it is, all the while creating great expenses, lavish parties, and lambasting the Senate for their ineptitude while calling for the absolute power of the throne.

Lucky for them, this form of government was well-established before the first spoiled brat of a monarch spoke up, much less the day they uncovered the first artifacts.

In local affairs, I'm used to religious governors taking over Ras-Prythax or military commanders by the highest ruler.  Argivian governors are appointed by the King, neither military nor divine, and approved by a vote of the Senate. for 5 year terms.  The gentleman is charge of the province Veles is in is named Sturgis Zurleas.   A family member of a prominent merchant family in the capital, he struck out on his own with his own trading company and had traveled most of the Mer Medi before the King recalled him back to the civic duties he performs now.  We were invited to his house multiple times to exchange stories and drink wine.  He had decorated his mansion, not in the Argivian artifacts, but in the cultures of Aegypt, Tripolis, and even the esoteric Senzar Empire in the distant west.  Fascinating stories that I will relay in future letters.

Back to these artifacts.  Veles is full little magical devices to help with day to day operations.  A magical spoon that stirs itself, a magical butter churns that continues to work while you walk away and perform another task.  Brilliant pieces of magicks that would appear beneath the skill and prestige of the wizard able to construct it. My personal favorite was a bag of holding that could only hold 500 coins, but it was affixed with a tiny magic mouth that could announce when the bag was full, as well as at any time, the breakdown of copper, silver, gold, and even platinum coins inside.  A few of these were used in the larger trading houses and general stores in the town.  I still wonder how those are not the immediate target of thieves.

Our history text describe this as a buffer area beyond the direct influences of Barthey or Feraso, so I'm completely confused as to why these artifacts are here.

The Royal Republic has earned the title not of re-creating these devices, but they have learned how to reclaim and repair them.  Not true artisans, but blacksmiths restoring these marvels.

The Argivian word for discovering knowledge from old treasure is called archaeology.  It's almost as maddening as their form of government.

These devices are the a source of trade, along with the dates, olives, wool, and sufficient regular mining ores and gems.

The god of wine, music, and cattle must have decided we have worn out our welcome after these few weeks, because for the last five days, weaker earthquakes affected the area.  With the ground shaking and the air getting colder, we decided it was best to purchase horses and travel furthers sourth, specifically into Danaan.

This morning, before we left, we were greeted by confusion in the streets, a solemn Governor Sturgis at our door, and a dark cloud erupting from the north.
It's in the exact direction we came from Pelister.   The Draknor has claimed victims for its own alien needs.  Akana did not hear my prayers.

Yours in Service,

Sir Elsderth Greyhawk, Lord of Greywhawk
Sage of the The Order of Merit, 
Sellsword - Extraordinaire
Wielder of the Legendary Betrayer.
Defilier of the Temple of Tiamat.
Freigraff of the Totenlinden of Amberstoll.

DM Notes:  Two adventuring parties could not resolve the "Thunder Under Needlespire" so the end result is the destruction of not only Burrok and the Ithillid outpost, but Pelister and the deaths of hundreds or thousands of people.   Adventures are not locked in stasis.  

The best news of the situation is that the volcanic eruption will not damage Veles, although the governor wisely monitors the outstanding flocks of sheep that have still not come down off the hills for the winter.   And the Order of Merit are on their way to less volcanic, much warmer, and even more republican dealings in Danaan.  

And one last adventure.

Next: #47 - The Philosopher Kings and Warrior Monks of Danaan


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