
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Friday, September 6, 2019

(Painting) Reaper Bones Hill Giant

So, with all this #RPGaDay stuff out of the way, I did manage to paint something.

It's one of the two hill giants that were available in the Reaper Bones IV Kickstarter.
A few tuft pieces from Huge Minis.

And with a size comparison with to a mousling.  These two may make an appearance during a weekend game, God willing.

#RPGaDay interferes with Project 350, and to be honest, I'm so far off the reservation I'm at the wrong Indian casino.

After I completed #RPGaDay, my combined scheduled posts and drafts got as low as 452, until I filled in this weeks updates, finally wrote out my Lost Dispatches placeholder posts for all the episodes that are giving me writers block.  Barring anything else, Lost Dispatches will be ending at #65, but outside of Adventures of Gulluvia, I have another idea. 

Ballad of the Pigeon God ran 76, and my two Hackmaster campaigns (Journey of Mutumbo and Burning Trogs Rules have a combined 65 episodes).

Somehow we found an inexpensive basketball league that only interferes with nine out of the ten free seconds I have in September and October.  We have officially cordoned off November 15-16 for Fall-In! in King of Prussia for Maja and myself.

Best minis story during this RPG run happened Wednesday night.  Maja finished her autobiography as a class assignment with nary a thought to show it us, but Millie's project was a little more labor intensive:  She assembled five items that represented Millie:
  1.  Her stuffed animal Zebra, Zeebree.
  2.  A picture of my wife and her dad.
  3.  A hockey puck signed by her favorite player, Tim Erixon
  4. A Unicorn book
  5. The dragon she painted with her Daddy
Gotta get that kid painting figures again.... *sniff sniff*

Up Next: Reorganizing the painting bench and knocking out some easy stuff.  

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