
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Sunday, September 1, 2019

#RPGaDay 2019 - A Retrospective

Another year, another #RPGaDay to dominate my August.  I like the process, I like the topics, I like the challenge that comes with more self-reflection than I'm usually ready for.

This year, the infographic with 31 questions evolved (devolved?) into 31 single word prompts.  Some were instant answers, others could have gone down three or four different paths.  For four of them, I requested the help of ViscountEric's Legion of Gamers (my gamer friends on Facebook), who hooked me up with some interesting interpretations.

After six years, the posts still generate traffic.  Even my original run back in 2014 generates 2 or 3 pageviews each year per post.  Somebody somewhere is reading them in a group.

Although, this year, the response to my posts has flatlined.

All six years look super-cluttered on my chart, but 2014-2016 are above this year and below 2017 and 2018.

I can certainly blame my writing ability, my social media promotion prowess (how does this Instagram thing work?), but this continues a trend I witnessed since April.

I also miss Google+.  While I can't differentiate between real and bot traffic, the real Google comments were more plentiful, and the hits looked more organic in my stats than the usual bot hits from Italy or the Ukraine.   It's departure has dropped my normal daily posts to number from three or four years ago, and with #RPGaDay the results have been even more dreadful.

For next year?  I'm still game for another year, and another one of these prompt-based months as well.  I'd be happy with a "best of" edition, and my favorite option, I'd even be game for going Year One Questions Revisited with a caveat for the few old timers since 2014 to compare and contrast the answers with many years between them.  


  1. Well, I've certainly been reading them and finding them interesting. Mind you, I follow the blog and read most of your posts anyway...

    Do keep up the good work!

  2. Thanks!

    It's usually a bigger draw, both in new readers (for a month anyway), as well as new people to follow.

    Back to wargaming after the Labor Day weekend (we just completed a Medieval game an hour or so tonight.)
