
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

(Kickstarter) Reaper Bones V: Escape from Pizza Dungeon !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The prophecies have been reviewed, the stars are right, the minis from the last Kickstarter are shipped

Reaper Bones 5: Escape from Pizza Dungeon! is alive!!!!!

This year, the core set will now be $120, twenty bucks higher than previous.  Not a horrible first time increase on the main set since the Bones I Kickstarter launched more than seven years ago.

The original core set at launch 1 of 3

The original core set at launch 2 of 3

The original core set at launch 3 of 3

As always, I jumped on the $1 level for future a la carte spending.  Already got one item on my list. 
Past $240,000 I'm just going to write up new posts for the additions and stretch goals.

1 comment:

  1. I kickstarted 2 and 3, but gave the last one a miss... and have been regretting that... sometimes... I mean, it'll all EVENTUALLY be released as part of their regular catalogue and then I could just buy the few that I ACTUALLY want and not end up with a pile of crap I'll never paint.

    TO tell the truth though, I didn't get a lot from the last two we did kickstart - the kids took most of it. They're totally stoked about this new one and making lists of the stuff each of them wants. I told them we probably won't kickstart it, but somehow they wore down Amanda - who I never though would crack, considering how she's been freaking out about how much money has been spent on games already this year - and so now we're in for the core set - and I'm sure will be in for a lot more before it's all done...

    We may end up ordering multiple sets of mouslings...

    And I've already called "dibs" on the DIRE CABBAGE!!!
