
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Lost Dispatches of Feraso #52 - To the New Viscount

11th Day of QuaDec in the Imperial Year of 1028

Town of Feldkurton, Dominion of Greyhawk, Viscounty of Verbobonc

To His Lordship, Eger, Viscount of Verbobonc

I realized during our last encounter that I was required to inform you that Commander HouseKarl has tendered his resignation.  I am unsure of his current location, but our final conversation saw HouseKarl's vision heading far off to the north in Zieland, taking part in patrols on the spine of the world, defending against Ice Giants, Ice Witches, and other ne'er do wells who appreciate ice.  His demand to conduct patrols during the blizzard last year was a sure sign that he was looking at a new career path.
Commander HouseKarl in retirement in Zieland
I must confer my undying gratitude for my installation as Baron to the expanded territory of the Dominion of Greyhawk.   Despite knowing certain political conflict with Baron Augustus of Korbur, I was amazed as most when you stripped him of his title, split the Barony into multiple dominions and provided Greyhawk with two new towns to administer.

Regardless of this great responsibility bestowed upon me, not only do I consider the Viscount my liege I humbly serve, but I was also considered Viscount Wilifrick a friend.

If it does humor His Lordship, I will continue sending correspondence in regards to my travel.

Installation of titles for Lords and Ladies, and assignment of dominions is something a new noble may have issue with, yet you performed this well with a delicate balance of politics and power.

Please consider Andrei Krasimir as a potential Lord for a critical region, preferably one suitable for a tower.  While his lineage is not of Ferasean blood, he is a magic-user of great repute, who is pondering leaving our territory in lieu of a serviceable tower in Hermetus.   A man of such high character such as Andrei should not subject himself to the moral and arcane ambiguities of such a place as Hermetus, he should remain a force of good for Verbobonc and for the Krugraf.

Sir Elsderth Greyhawk, Baron of Greyhawk
Sage of the The Order of Merit, 
Wielder of the Legendary Betrayer.
Defiler of the Temple of Tiamat.
Slayer of the Wizard Sazor
Freigraff of the Totenlinden of Amberstoll.

DM Notes: Bad news, the Viscount is dead.  Good news, between the Viscount Willfrick's opinion of Elsderth, and the political climate in Korbur, the new Viscount, Willfrick's nephew Eger, has made a number of political moves, specifically granting Elsderth the title of Baron!
Viscount Eger
Commander HouseKarl's departure was long overdue.  Elsderth was capable of governing on his own, including maintaining the garrison.  His "retirement" and subsequent leaving for the steep mountains of Zieland gave me the opportunity to use Keith Parkinson's painting from Dragon #137, the second issue I ever bought.  I still use the weather articles. 

Elsderth figured it would be wise to keep Andrei in Verbobonc, especially since he was a 9th level magic-user (name level, woo-hoo!).  Pleading to the Viscount might get results, but a letter written on the same day might prove true intentions.

Next: #53 - To the Late Viscount's Daughter

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