
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Lost Dispatches of Feraso #54 - Krasimir Tower

The 14th Day of Sepdec in the Year 1037

The Village of Mechitbayeva, Land of Hermetus

To His Lordship, Eger, Viscount of Verbobonc

Greetings again from beyond the eastern border of the Empire.  After a long hiatus, my dwarven companion, Murag Mountainhammer and I are again traveling to visit our friend Alwin Warmark deep within The Weissmach.

After a lackluster reunion and yet another boring stay filled with discussion on jurisprudence, the dwarf and I traveled south to the meeting of the borders of  Hermetus, Vlachia, and Ras-Prythax, to the respite and study for our dear friend and magic-user, Andrei Krasimir.

When we first heard the adventurers quest to clear the tower, I pictured the hundreds of mechanical spiders skittering to and fro.  I never had a chance to visit the tower, and Andrei quickly left after securing the structure.  It's a solid structure now full of Andrei's tomes and treasures.  In a bit of a surprise, the concept of a country run by magic-users includes such property laws such as purchasing a wizard's tower gets you the neighboring town for free!   Mechitbeyeva pays homage to Andrei, a humble amount, but one that guarantees the protection of the area.

Two days into our visit, we had caught up enugh to venture into town and further celebrate.  Returning to The Fluffy Cashew after a decades's absence, we grabbed the same mediocre ales and soon realized we were not going to encounter any interesting personalities, for WE were the interesting personalities.  We obviously attracted a crowd, interested in the appearance of their arcane overlord, and two friends he had never mentioned.   Murag quickly became  dour, Andrei became  congenial in spite of himself, and I performed as a proper representation of the Viscounty and the Krugraf at large.

Then she happened.

I don't know what caused it.  You could tell from her face that there should have been a line or two on her face, but the either magic or her natural seething anger smoothed everything over

She walked up, and I was worried, but as I glanced to Murag next to me, I found him and a number of patrons,  immobilized.  His flagon of ale hovering less than inch above the table.

In all my years of traveling, I've successfully evaded becoming enveloped in a ball of fire.  That record fell last night.

The whole world lit up in flame.

I woke up in pain, the whole bar was engulfed in flames.  Those who hadn't escaped were quite dead... except myself and Murag.

Andrei was one of those quite dead.

I know not the extent of the relationship with the woman and Andrei, but just from her countenance, and the power of her spellcasting, it was not one that could be amicably reconciled.

I dragged Murag from the inn and he quickly came to.

There is little reason to stay in the town.  I found an undertaker to handle Andrei's burial, and a barrister to handle to liquidation of Andrei's estate.  His will bequeath all profits from his estate to be sent to his home village back in Nevskia.

We are heading home.  There is nothing left for us to visit out here.  It is indeed better to stay in Verbobonc and perform our assigned duties for the crown.

Yours in Service

Sir Elsderth Greyhawk, Baron of Greyhawk

DM Notes:  A rather curt letter from Elsderth, and I don't think it's entirely the ten year gap in letters.  Andrei was murdered by some female mage (let's not forget the dozens of locals as innocent bystanders),  one would expect a much more emotional response from the death of a dear friend.

Next: #55 Wandsregal

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