
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Wargaming Recon Questions

Awhile backs Episode #235 of Wargaming Recon the host of the podcast answered a series of questions posed by his Patreon backers. 

I'm going to steal a few questions and answer them as truthfully as possible, largely keeping them within the wargaming community.

#1 - In your opinion, what is your most underrated game?
Rules out of wargaming magazines.  Seriously, some of the best games I've played in came from rules published in Wargames Illustrated.  Heck, the sheep herding game I've integrated in my "Battle of Yellowstone" came from an early issue.

#2 -  What is the most overrated game?
40k -  After 25+ years of largely watching people fall in and out of the vicious cycle, I'm convinced that people like to play sub-part sci-fi rules with a powertripping setting with great painters to inspire you.  The early demise (and minor resurrection) of the Squats might have something to do with it, but while I found some satisfaction in WFB and the Black Library games

#3 -  Two games to a desert island?
With plenty of figures?  Gnome Wars and Mordheim.

#4 -   Money no object, what new convention would I try to attend.
Council of Five Nations in upstate New York.  When I was younger, it was the one New York con my group didn't make it to...

#5 - Biggest gaming purchase regret?
When a local store (Imagination Workshop) went out of business, I was the fifth or sixth person in line when the store opened on it's last day, with 80% off.  I hadn't properly scouted the last few days, so I went all haywire with my shopping.  There was a ton of cool stuff still available, like Armoury paints, Judge's Guild Traveller supplements, and even the aforementioned Squats, but I went with some cockamanie idea to buy up all the 15mm Civil War stuff.   In the end, I turned a profit trading it retail for retail for boxes of Magic, but I still cringe at my actions for the day.

#6 - What is the farthest distance I've driven for gaming?
461 miles to attend the first Origins in its now-permanent home of Columbus, Ohio.

#7 - Have you ever LARPed?
I once ran an Illuminati University (IOU) LARP at Garden State Game Faire.  I was the Man in Plaid.  It's a proud and humbling moment on my gaming resume.

#8 - What is my best gaming deal?
Another gaming store closure, ComicQuest in Emmaus, Pennsylvania.  $2500 MSRP of Ral Partha for $250 plus tax.  I actually lived off of them thanks to eBay, because they had been discontinued and the aftermarket (outside of Emmaus) was going nuts.

#9 -  Do I clip my counters (chits)
Nope, I'm diabolical and half-punch,half spin and twist them out.  Yes, I'm a monster.

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