
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Lost Dispatches of Feraso #56 - The Insufferable Talanth Blackash and Company

DM Notes:  At this point, the Lost Dispatches of Feraso have chronicled all my D&D gaming through December 1993.  The story of Talanth Blackash and his nefarious company of adventurers is certainly over.  Elsderth is going to help tell the story of other adventuring parties that graced my parents' dining room table from 1994-1999

I do have character sheets for Celeste and Ned Overland somewhere, but the rest all lost forever. 

In the course of retracing the steps of these PCs, I've done my best to document the magic items they had acquired.

The Unscrupulous Talanth Blackash and His Crew

Talanth Blackash 6th/7th Fighter/Thief (played by Charles)
Cloak of Elvinkind - leather +1, bardiche, shortsword +1, dagger +2 ROP +1

Odmusson - 7th Level Fighter "Drunken Warrior"  (played by Scott)
Shield +2, +1 longsword of obviousness, ring of water walking, Chain Mail +2,

Colgredd - 7th Level Ranger "Stupid Ranger" (played by Scott)
AC: 0  
Elven Chain Mail +1 - Broadsword +2, Shield +1
Alleged description of the Drunken Warrior and the Stupid Ranger
Ned Overland:  5th Level Fighter  (played by Wooly)
dagger +1

Derlenth: 5th Level Cleric  (played by Darryl)

Celeste 5th Level Cleric (played by my sister, Mary)
Mace +1 Golden Armor of General Balfas (from her time with the Order of Merit).

Thendara Wandsregal 12th Level Magic User - aka "The Busty Mage" (played by George)
Location: Wandsregal Tower, outside the village of Mechitbayeva, Hermetus.
Bracers of Defense AC3 - Robe of Useless Items. two daggers+3, Wand of Polymorphing. Amulet of the Planes. Ring of Protection +2
Spellbook: Burning Hands, Charm Person, Hold Portal, Jump Darkness 15' rad, mirror image, hold person, lightning bolt, dimension door, wall of force, fireball, and a host of other spells.

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