
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Monday, December 30, 2019

Top Ten Minis Painted in the '10s!

Yes, yes, I know.  I lived through the entire decade/century/millenia-ending criteria during Y2K.  I know there's a whole 'nother year to go before I should be waxing nostalgic about the decade.

But for once I sit myself square in the demographic that doesn't care about technicalities.

... and I want the Roaring Twenties to start up again on January 1st, just without the Great Depression near the end.

#10 - Scottish Gnome Golf Mortar
A fun mini set from Brigade Games, it's a odd green shade I love, plus my first (and possibly only) attempt at a tartan.  He and his gnomeling caddy cohort have seen limited action, except as a random encounter during my Gnome Wars games on the MBA tables at Historicon 2011.

#9 - Gretchin as Blue Martians 
It happens once a decade, but I bought Games Workshop figures at retail price!   In a world where everything but the expensive base games are overpriced (yes, you read that right), finding a box of 40k Gretchin at the price of an impulse buy made me not only purchase them, but get them painted up in record time.

They've gotten some use, most notably in the quick series of adventures starring them and using the Legions of Steel Planetstorm rules.

#8 - German Gnomes "The Flying Monkeys"
"Die FleiderAffes" were some of the first Gnome Wars figures I purchased, and they were finally finished and fielded.

#7 - German Schutztruppen (Pulp Figures)
The last solid force I painted up were some German Colonial troops suitable for Great War Africa, a Polynesian diversion, or a good Pulp force.  For such a uniform look and simple color scheme, it baffles me why it took so long, but it did.

#6 - 3rd Swiss Gnome Engineers
I completed the first figure for this unit from Brigade Games right before I started this blog, and over the years, the group has been assembled, with their road cone hats and double NCOs acting as flaggers.

#5 - American Gnome California Imperial Guard
A unit of American Gnomes from Brigade Games, painted in the image of Emperor Norton himself.

#4 - Maja's Egypt Work
My daughter Maja's Sphinx remains one of the more exciting terrain pieces we've put on the table, so much so, that I forget that she's put it in an important spot on her dresser in her room.  We really need to put more Windsword stuff together.

#3 Stormwing 
One of the impulse buys from the Reaper Bones 3 Kickstarter, this is the only dragon I've ever painted up, and although I've never used it in a game, it's one of my crowning achievements.  I will note, that in time since I finished it, good ol' Stormy's wings have forced the figure to bend and sit on all fours.

#2 The Samoa Project 
This was the largest project I have ever completed.  110 figures, some trenches, and a pile of palm trees (although I borrowed some additional trees and terrain to avoid a last-second push).   My Second Samoan Civil War game was planned and finished in a year using predominantly Pulp Figures Melanesians as the native forces.  A few more have been added over the years (more US Marines and, of course, the Volcano Queen set, for historical inaccuracy). 

#1 - Wooly Bully and the Traitor Jacobson
My favorite painted minis from the last decade weren't even painted by me.   Having won a painting gift certificate, I figured it would be appropriate to have someone else try their hand at painting two of the most (in)famous individuals in the Legions of Steel universe.  More can be read about them here.

1 comment:

  1. Some fantastic miniatures. I think the Gnomes are my favourites.
