
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

(Kickstarter) Campfire Memories

ZineQuest is in full swing on Kickstarter, and another game that caught my eye (but not my wallet... yet) is Campfire Memories.
Again, copying directly from the creator's campaign:

Campfire Memories is a GMless RPG designed for one-shot play. In the game a family goes camping, faces unpleasant experiences while in the great outdoors, and then looks back on those difficulties fondly.

Players create a family, composed of adults, children, and possibly a dog, filling them out with goals and resources they bring to the woods with them.

While camping things go wrong, as they do for everyone. Weather turns nasty, equipment fails, wild animals appear at the worst possible times. How does the family react?

After the trip is over, the family has time to reflect on their experiences. What did they learn? What connections were formed or strengthened with the other members of their family? What was valuable about even the worst events?

Campfire Memories is a light, easy game, where character death and other intense situations just aren't part of play. It aims to create a hear-warming tone that shifts from humorous mishaps during the camping phase to sincere sentimentality introspection during the reflection phase.

Five bucks for the pdf, ten for print and pdf?  Might be more worthwhile than another set of dice.

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