
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Saturday, February 8, 2020

(Kickstarter) One of Us

This ZineQuest promo for Kickstarter will not end... and the concepts continue to expand outside the usual FRPG fare.

Tim Deschene has launched a campaign for One of Us: Sideshow Salvation in a Dystopian Dustbowl for use with Dungeon Crawl Classics (DCC).

Even if I didn't appreciate the zine RPG format, I love that most of these creators write up a fantastic elevator pitch:

You are no hero…

You are a carnie indentured to the mysterious being known as The Madame. In exchange for wondrous powers and “a more perfect self,” The Madame calls upon you to procure ancient artifacts as you crisscross the dusty and dangerous remains of a once robust and proud land.

Cannibal hobos, shadowy cults, and uncouth hecklers will do everything in their power to prevent your caravan from carrying out its mission.

Grab your barbells and bullwhips and hop on the trail to adventure. We accept you, we accept you! One of us!

Five bucks for the pdf, ten dollars for the pdf + hard copy.

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