
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Lost Dispatches of Feraso #62 - The County of Devarnish

The 29th Day of QuaDec, 1045 - The Fallen Timber Tavern

In spite of all of locals saying otherwise, the Old River Road does not stop, end, or change course in Verbobonc. It does go into the deep dark nigh impenetrable Iron Woods, and at whatever point in your journey you begin doubting your directions, it turns into The Iron Road for the remainder of your trip to Devarnish.

In midst of this fog-shrouded forest is a small compound of a few dozen permanent settlers, and the only refuge of civilization.  I was amazed to first see it rise through the trees, a large wooden palisade surrounded by acres of cleared fields.  The Fallen Timber Tavern has all the necessities of a village within its walls.

The owner of the tavern proper, a lithe, pale man names Syrian Theus, appears to have retired young from a career as a ranger within these woods and set up the tavern as a safe mid-point for the creatures within.  Creatures, that the residents are wary to mention.  I experienced nothing more than some scurrying through the underbrush in my travels, but it seemed foolish not to use the communities services and hospitality on my trip.

Unlike Rynehurst, all are welcome, and violence is strongly discouraged with collaborative violence against the offenders, and subsequent expulsion beyond the safety of the palisade.

The 31st Day of QuaDec, 1045 - Town of Jarl, Barony of Valkurl

The Iron Road continued north until it meets a peculiar border and the Town of Jarl.  The town proper is just across the border from Verbobonc in the Barony of Valkurl.  The main road, a ferry across the Velvderdya and a walking bridge are all possessions of the Viscounty of Verbobonc, and beyond the river lay the City of Fresklun

There has been a great congestion caused by a unit of Knights of Ras-Prythax, Crusaders of Wilip, and Tilverton Lancers attempting to cross the ferry into Fresklun.  I was able to dismount my horse and walk him across the walking bridge for a silver apiece, but the cavalry units had other ideas.

However, given the unknown territory, I found it smarter to accompany the cavalry units for an extra dose of protection.  The various officers humored my request

The 34th Day of QuaDec, 1045 - Fresklun, County of Devarnish
For a unit riding horses, these cavalry units move with speed or purpose, but we have reached the Fresklun, the capital city of County of Devarnish.

Devarnish was once one of the Imperial holdings held by the Church of Akana, producing revenue directly for the God of Law and Order.  But at some point the dwarves who mined the foothills leading to Markovia disappeared with the fortunes.  The mines didn't run dry, it was the greed  of the Church and the Krugraf of Ras-Prythax who imposed taxes on the ore that left the mine.  The few dwarves still in the county tell of an amusing work-a-round to circumvent these taxes (and subsequently caused the "exodus" of dwarves.  

Ras-Prythax could lay claim on, and tax willingly, all products that came out of the land.  Technically, all crops, fruits, furs of animals, and unprocessed ore could be taxed.  Taxing common food would cause a rebellion, but ore and luxuries were regular targets.  

Instead of paying the taxes, the dwarves closed up the entrances to the mines and proceeded to dig tunnels to connect to their underground network.  There, they sold the ore, away from the prying Imperial auditors, refined the ore and used it in for their own finished products.  By the letter of the law, the finished goods were not products of the land, and thus were never taxed the higher rate.  This caused a number of human communities to collapse economically, without a refining industry to support these disappearing mines.

The Count, one Westin Mori, is a young man trying to reverse the foolish actions of his father, but he catching resistance every step of the way.

One man who Westin has not endeared himself to has been Bishop Marquin of Akana.  A man in his late 40's, he served as the Bishop under Westin and his father.  The late Count gave the bishop considerably more free reign in matters of law and divinity.  

I've also heard rumors of Carathmus and his friends, traveling north to the small port town of Wharfshave.  

The 10th Day of HepDec, 1045 - Village of Wharfshave
After a long a dangerous journey, I am back in some tiny semblance of society in the tiny port of Wharfshave. Fishing vessels, rowboats, and the smallest of merchant yachts might make in into the shallow waters.

The trio I'm searching for have been here and they left their mark, thanks to another missing girl and clues that may have reference of the dreaded "Living Armor." They fled upon discovery and were last seen heading into Markovia.

NEXT: #63 - The Gran Duchy of Markovia

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