
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Lost Dispatches of Feraso #65 - Birth of a Kingdom

25th of HepDec - Outside the Dwarven Encampment at Ironfalls
The old miner in Greenfalls was right!  After taking a side trail away from Ironfalls, I came upon a abandoned orc camp with the husk what must have been a dead basilisk.  The treatment of the basilsk's corpse, the burn marks of eldritch magicks, the large chunks hacked out my a dwarven battle-axe, and much more precision carvings that might satiate the hunger of a flesh-eating suit of armor more than confirmed that Sabu Tablesmasher II and his pair of friends had at least gotten lost up in these mountains.

26th of HepDec - The Dwarven Encampment at Ironfalls
After failing to pick up the trail of the my trio, I finally reached Ironfalls.  The dwarves were appreciative of my coin to spend, my magical curios from a previous life to trade for other enchanted items, and quite amused of my stories.

These Dwarves from the main mines in Ironkeep were their own political faction in the Duchy's dealings, but during this collapse of power, they keep their own dealings safe and aspired for no other.  I'm confused by their claims that the young heir Hartwig was found by the search party in an area far opposite of the alleged jewels.  The Duke's son was known to care little of those beneath his station, but he was an accomplished adventurer who knew his way through these mountains better than most men.  They won't say foul play, but the Dwarves quietly nodded when I made the accusation myself.

27th of HepDec - The Dwarven Encampment at Ironfalls
My leads for the trio have run dry, so I will travel to the capital of Manhoffen and try to make sense of the situation.  But before I left I finalized the trade of my curios, including the Dwarven Stone of Summoning Earth Elementals, for two key additions to my arsenal.  One was a Blade of a Thousand Cuts, a dagger that can be wielded with incredible quickness.  The second was an odd relic in a Dwarven collection, The Grieving Gauntlets of the Isles.  An alleged artifact from the Five Kingdoms across the Starfall Channel, the gauntlets aid in wounding foes.

32th of HepDec 1045 - City of Manhoffen, Gran Duchy of Markovia 
I've come upon the Manhoffen, the capital of Markovia, in the throes of pure pandemonium!  Turf wars throughout the neighborhoods were still a regular sight, but the powers that be determined Duke Jakob's sister, Gretchen was the rightful heir.  However, some of the minor nobles and mining companies were concerned Duchess Gretchen's husband, Edmund, and his numerous business dealings with a select few mining operations.

However, before the coronation of Gretchen to become Duchess, the collection of cavalry I had encountered in Fresklun had finally arrived in Manhoffen to regain control.  Unfortunately, as soon as they arrived a messenger had arrived with orders to recall them back to Feraso City!  Krugraf Arnulf had died!

From what I had learned in my years previous, Arnulf's son, the now-Krugraf Theuderic III, was wildly inept, and as many units loyal to the throne of Ras-Prythax were recalled to defend the palace, much less the entire kingdom.

With the power vacuum created by the departure, Duchess Gretchen plans her coronation for the end of the month!

35th of HepDec 1045 - City of Manhoffen, Grand Duchy of Markovia
Duchess Gretchen finally ascends to her rightful position today.  Many are celebrating in the streets, but I've already witnessed Duchal forces seeking out political foes, economic competitors, and the simply weird and taking them aware to someplace away from the city.  I believe it is time to leave.

1st of HexDec 1045 -  Outside the City of Manhoffen, Gran Duchy of Markovia 
As I left the city at noon, word came of the Duchess had invited priests and priestesses of the North Gods Wo-Dan and Freya and in an odd ceremony, was named Queen of Markovia, with her husband Edmund, the King!   There were fires and smoke coming from the capital as I rode away.  I dare not say it was in celebration, revolution, or both.

GM Notes: The failure of Sabu Tablesmasher & Company to rescue the Duke's son and discover Gretchen plot to secede?  Well, it allowed her to succeed.  And with the death of a decent Krugraf of Ras-Prythax and the installation of a incompetent one, it was time for Gretchen to seize as much power as possible.   Ras-Prythax is too weak to regain their revolting dominion.  

Markovia fills in for Holland and most of Belgium on my Epic of Aearth map, except that it is truly mountainous terrain. It (was) the safest way to travel from Ras-Prythax to Crosedes without dealing with the vile elves of Agenmoor. 

Next: #66 - A Familiar Friend at Nobquin's Keep


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