
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Saturday, March 7, 2020

Another Month of Gaming (Mar '20)

ViscountEric's Gaming Want List
Rory's Story Cubes - Star Wars .................................... $14.99-$15.99

Reaper Miniatures
Cart (RPR 44140) .................... $4.99

ViscountEric's Money-Is-No-Object Want List
TALISLANTA: THE SAVAGE LAND.....................................  $49.99

5E OGL and Original Talislanta rules editions available.
Talislanta is a fantasy roleplaying game and game-setting that was first published back in1986. This new edition of Talislanta is a complete stand-alone game book, which includes the original Talislanta rule system. Fully illustrated in color to bring the unique world of Talislanta to life. Fans returning to Talislanta with find this edition, set in Talislanta’s barbaric past, offers them a new way to enjoy the setting, while new fans get everything they need to explore Talislanta for the first time. Scheduled to ship in May 2020.

The Imaginary Store List (The Pegleg Gnome)
The Army Painter
Warpaints: Metallics Paint Set .................................................... $27.99

Forest Adventure .......................................... $11.99
Magic School ................................................ $ 8.99
Sherlock Holmes: Consulting Detective Baker Street Irregulars  .............. $49.99
The Shining ................................................... $24.99

Catan Studios
Catan: Cities and Knights - Legend of the Conquerors Scenario $40.00

Cthulhu Dark Ages ................................................................................... $44.99
Runequest RPG: The Smoking Ruin and Other Stories ........................... $37.99

Chronicle Books
Cat Rescue ................................................. $16.95
S'mores Wars .............................................. $19.95

Cubicle 7
Warhammer Fantasy RPG:  Ubersreik Adventures ...................... $39.99

Fantasy Flight Games
Cosmic Encounter: Duel  (Stand Alone) ....................................... $39.95
Star Wars X-Wing: HMP Droid Gunship ...................................... $19.95
Star Wars X-Wing: LAAT/I Gunship ............................................ $29.95
Star Wars X-Wing: XI-Class Light Shuttle ................................... $29.95

Firelock Games
Blood & Valor Rulebook .................................. PI
New Great Wars Skirmish rules.  I'll probably have more details after Fall-In!

Games Workshop
All the core Space Marine products redesigned and repriced.  Thirty bucks for a sniper squad?

Gate Keeper Games
And more $15 dice sets to make your rolls....

Kobold Press
D&D: Empire of the Ghouls HC ...................................... $39.99
D&D: Underworld Lairs ................................................... $19.99
D&D: Underworld Player's Guide .................................... $19.99

Konami Digital Entertainment
Yu-Gi-Oh!  Secret Slayers Boosters

Lookout Games
Ora & Labora ........................................................... $69.99

Mantic Entertainment
Baba Yaga Monster Booster ..................................... $19.99
BPRD Expansion ...................................................... $29.99
Hecate Monster Booster ........................................... $19.99

Crystal Heart ............................................................. $40.00
Nibiru ........................................................................ $49.99
Rangers of Shadow Deep Deluxe Retail ................... $45.00
Star Trek Adventures:  Gamma Quadrant ................. $32.99
Vampire the Masquerade:  The Fall of London ........  $49.99

Paizo Publishing
Pathfinder RPG: Absalom City of Lost Omens HC ........... $46.99
Pathfinder RPG: AP Extinction Curse #5 - Lord of the Black Sands ............ $24.99
Pathfinder RPG: AP Curse of the Crimson Throne (Pocket Edition) ............ $29.99
Pathfinder RPG: Flip Mat Classics - Bandit Outpost ..................................... $13.99
Pathfinder RPG: Flip Tiles - Haunted Woodlands ............... $19.99
Pathfinder RPG: Pawn- Gamemastery Guide NPC Pawn .............................. $25.99
Starfinder RPG: AP The Threefold Conspiracy 4 - The Hollow Cabal ........  $22.99
Starfinder RPG:  Flip - Mat Stadium ................................... $14.99

Penguin Random House
D&D - The Worldbuilder's Journal of Legendary Adventures ........................ $16.99

Petersen Games
Sandy Petersen's Cthulhu Mythos Yig Snake Granddaddy, Act One A Land Out of Time
.................. $24.99

Reaper Miniatures
20' Shipping Container ................................. $8.99
Amazon and Spartan Living Statues ............ $9.99

Steve Jackson Games
Illuminati: Alternate Truths ..................................... $34.95
Munchkin - Pathfinder Kill-o-Meter ....................... $10.95
Munchkin - Munchkin: Unicorns ............................ $ 6.95
Munchkin - Warhammer - Chaos and Order............ $19.95
Scarf-n-Barf ............................................................. $19.95
Zombie Dice: Deluxe (New Edition) ....................... $19.95

Wizards of the Coast
D&D: Explorer's Guide to Wildemount ................. $49.95
D&D: FR Laeral Silverhands Explorers Kit ........... $24.99
Magic the Gathering - 2020 Challenger Decks

As if WizKids hasn't gone all-in with the Warlock Tiles (Re: Plastic Dwarven Forge Line), the accessories keep pouring in.  $40 Expansions with just enough cool stuff to spice up your set-up.

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