
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Lost Dispatches of Feraso #66 - A Familiar Friend at Nobquin's Keep

7th of Hexdec 1045 - Nobquin's Keep, County of Ferrand, Kingdom of Crosedes
It took me more than half a week's travel over the main mountain road from Manhoffen, but I have arrived in the much safer confines of Nobquin's Keep, across the border in the Kingdom of Crosedes. 

Every step of my steed was fraught with tension from the death of the Duke of Markovia and his son, but also the ascension of his sister to not only Duchess, but Queen, independent of the rule of Ras-Prythax.

This created two camps: Local warlords and brigands intent on carving out their sphere of influence, and everyone else to paranoid to trust a soul, much less a random traveler.  Every mining town, be it dwarf, gnome, or man, refused me of any hospitality.  Luckily, traveling in mid-summer is much more advantageous that running free in the mountains in winter.

But I have crossed the border without incident, arrived at this fortified community of Nobquin's Keep, and requested an audience with the only person I know in the entire County of Ferrand....

High Priestess of Akana Celeste Sonnage de la Souer.

8th of Hexdec, 1045 - Nobquin's Keep
My audience with Celeste went quite well.  Despite limited correspondence and my sudden appearance in her realm, she welcomed me with open arms
High Priestess Celeste Sonnage de la Souer
Upon her departure with the Order of Merit, Celeste traveled to Crosedes' capital of Hydincal, the heart of the Akana priesthood.  She was reassigned as a regular priest the County of Ferrand's own capital of Hearth, but has exceeded expectations and is now overseeing all the followers in Ferrand.

10th of Hexdec, 1045 - Nobquin's Keep
Quick Notes on Crosedes and Ferrand:
The land now called Crosedes was the jewel of the western frontier of the Ferasean Empire.  As the Senzar colonies lost contact after the first barbarian incursion, the second and third invasions of Galmar horseman seem to have severed relations with Ras-Prythax.

After the invasions, Crosedes was very much Ras-Prythax on a smaller scale: a collection of dominions, barbarian warlords, principalities, and surviving duchies.   When Duke Cesmir Reptilius conquered the neighboring Duchy of Draloite in 846, and drove out the surrounding barbarian scoundrels, the Kingdom of Crosedes was established.  Over time, they've been able to regain all the western frontier territory, save the independent Kingdom of Aragain, or some portions under the Senzer Empire colony of Mago.

The Silvershield House from Perpignon currently rules the Kingdom.  The previous king, Celowin Silvershield III, granted his cousin, Nobquin, the title of County of Ferrand and renamed the keep in his name.

It's been under numerous names over the years.  Before it was Nobquin's Keep, it was the quite grim Duskhold Castle.  King Celowin III had the inhabitants round up and slaughtered for being lackadaisical with tax collection.

Luckily, King Celowin IV isn't as drastic, and Nobquin's son, another Nobquin, is happy to have a simple scribe and traveler as an adviser on local matters.  I hope they don't need to confirm the very limited credentials I provided.  The results would not be pleasing to all parties involved.


22nd of NonDec - Nobquin's Keep
With the snow flying fast and furious in the air, I'm quite happy that Lord Nobquin has finally completed my quarters within the keep itself of Nobquin's Keep.   Between staying at the Akana temple and various inns on the count's dime has created whispers.  I will have to host the High Priestess during inclement weather, but for a job with a lofty salary and few requirements, I'm willing to see an old friend from time to time.


3rd of UnDec 1046 - Nobquin's Keep
The blizzard has finally subsided.  Trapped inside for eight days with plenty of food and roaring fires was a mere nuisance, eliminated with the joyful company of the High Priestess.   As much as she insisted there was something a powerful cleric of Akana could do to aid or rescue common folk overwhelmed by the snow, I simply convinced her that it was too cold for a high-ranking priestess to risk her life, especially since the last bottle of elderberry wine she had arrived with was not yet finished.  She bowed to my superior wisdom.


17th of Tridec 1047 - Nobquin's Keep
After nearly two years of residence here, my stay in Ferrand, and my position as an adviser has been cut short.  The promotion of Nobquin to Duke of Ferrand, the elevation of Celeste to Bishop of Ferrand, and the royal inquiry into my credentials have made my departure necessary.   I enjoyed this simple life of the pleasures a remote outpost can have, and I  have some aliases in place in case I ever wish to call upon Celeste again, but for now, I must venture further into Crosedes.

Markovia is stable, but after my run-ins traveling through the last time, my rusty skill might not be sufficient to protect myself this time.  With my newest steed, Optmar Hestir, I'll plan a new location to settle down and keep the adventures to a minimum.

DM Notes:  The simple life of Elsderth Millbottom is never as simple as one could hope.  We're unsure of the bond of friendship between him and Celeste, but that and his role as advisor were enough to keep him there for almost two years.  

There might be another journal entry early on detailing the lack of leads for Sabu Tablesmasher's group, but that would be understandable.  That group vaporized as soon as In the Heart of Darkness was "completed" and Summer ended.  

Still more stories to tell, now all from the Kingdom of Crosedes.

Next: #67 - Hearth and Hydincall

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