
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Lost Dispatches of Feraso #68- The Free Town of Omsjik

14th of QuaDec, 1147 - Town of Omsjik
Upon the advice of some locals, I've ventured south to a town called Omsjik where the "real business of Crosedes" takes place.   During my stay in Hydincall, I realized the one part of society that seemed subdued to the vibrant atmosphere I originally felt: Trade.  For a city so large, there are no crazed markets or bazaars filled with a various and sundry array of merchandise.  If it is there, it's relegated to smaller neighborhoods, or even long-time brick and mortar stores with less agreeable hagglers behind the counter.

All the true trade happens in Omsjik.  For town with no building higher than three stories, it supports a massive economy for this country.

Merchants from southern (and I suppose poorer) Crosedes, stop their caravans' journeys here, dispose of their goods, acquire new ones for the return trip back home.  Only licensed caravans are permitted to carry trade goods from the south to the capital.
Traveling cad, Winston Maless, is denied entrance to one of the more popular bordellos in town.  Time to venture back to Lady Alainia's Pleasure Palace again.
This doesn't mean that merchants, caravan masters, and their guards never visit Hydincall.  They just do it as individuals... or caravan guards on the licensed trips.

The seedy underbelly of Omsjik is far more exposed than it ever was in Hydincall, or anywhere else short of the The Weissmach and Regan.  Black marketeering, illegal gambling, and rampant prostitution are an alleyway off of the the most important streets in town.

All this operates with little issue due to a philosophy the Crosedeans call, in their local dialect "Layzay Fair Commune," which by my rough interpretation means, "Let's Live Together."   Black Market items are obtained from outside the traditional trading partners, and many times taxes are paid from the proceeds.  The illegal gambling community cares for their own, many times kicking out patrons before they go flat broke, and the brothels of the women selling their services are a neighborhood in and of themselves.  Many woman own a stake in their brothel, and many a bastard child in these halls are given an education many in Verbobonc would envy.

Somehow Omsjik has remained an independent town, loyal only to King Celowin IV himself.  The Mayor of Omsjik uses Royal Tax Collectors and his own men to keep peace and order in his town, and it oddly works beautifully.

Omsjik is still too big a town for me, but the good news is numerous small villages can be reached in short time.   I may not wish to live in Omsjik, but I want to be close enough to visit Omsjik (and Hydincall) within reason.

Next: #69 - Strange Men By a Lake

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