
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Lost Dispatches of Feraso #69 - Crazed Old Fools Down By the River

21th of QuaDec, 1147 - Town of Omsjik, Kingdom of Crosedes
After much research that has netted little information, other than I should not travel too far south into Crosedes, I randomly chose one of the many
roads out of Omsjik.  I will travel to the southeast along a branch of the Hydincall River through a few small human and halfling communities, a few detours to logging settlements, and if prospects don't turn out so good, I must turn around before I cross the border into the Duchy of Rhoona and back into Ras-Prythax.

23rd of QuaDec, 1147 - Lake Apotheosis
I was enjoying the Spring weather, the blooming flowers, the chirping birds, and the certain lack of humanoid attacks in this secluded corner of Crosedes, when I spied a peculiar blooming moss (?) off in the distance.  A quick side trek off the main road led me right into the middle of a small, hidden encampment, and the attention of about a dozen residents, all wearing light blue robes.  Not wanting to risk the odds of a dozen men with polearms versus my rusty skill and an unbarded horse, I displayed no threat and waited for one of them to fetch their leader, another blue-robed man named Bechter.

Bechter was quite pleasant once I admit sheer accident and an appreciation of the Spring bloom that brought me into their camp.

Bechter and his men were part of the Guardians of Apotheosis, keepers of some of the crypts of the more recent Kings of Feraso.  The tombs were located across Lake Apotheosis and could only be traversed by boat.

For a secretive group, I advised that the moss-bloom (perhaps it's a symbiotic relationship with a seedling, I have yet to get an answer) was the one item that lured me off the road.  Bechter was worried that the uncovered sheer cliff face might lure more unwanted attention, but would take it under advisement.
The Hydincall River leaving the lake.  The sheer cliffs on the right from the tomb wall a mile or so further along the lake.
The Guardians were quite congenial, offering their own food and even drawing a bath.  Bechter offered a tour of the tombs tomorrow.  I'm quite excited at that prospect and still have trouble sleeping, although there is a thought in the back of my mind that these odd folk are cultists who want to murder me in my sleep.

24th of QuaDec, 1147 - Lake Apotheosis
Good news!  The Guardians are not cultists who wish to kill me.... at least not yet.

After breakfast Bechter sent a few of the Guardians with me to cross the lake and tour the tombs of the Ferasean Kings.  It's no great famed Emperor hiding in here with his fortunes.  The tombs contained the remains of the later Kings, the final ones, the Ruriks and higher number Leifs that no-one remembers.  At some point during the second Galamar Barbarians invasion, the surviving nobility moved the bodies from Ras-Prythax to distant Crosedes for safe keeping, and I suppose no one remembers them missing.

The tombs are quite dusty, bust the Guardians' activities keep the cobwebs to a minimum.  They also repair any stone damage to the sarcophagi inside.  There is no treasure, and a limited library of scrolls the the Guardian's historian, Velmar, maintains.

Upon my return to the camp side of the lake, Bechter invited me to join the group, even temporarily.  New recruits were rare, and my fascination with the tombs, and the proper respect I gave the dead convinced him that I meant no harm to anyone.

The most intriguing part of the offer is the temporary portion.  There's no crazy vow to recite, no giving up your worldly possessions.   A few of the Guardians are known to live it up a little every few months with a trip to the Blue Wizard Inn in a nearby town.  It's like a monastic order without all the crazy rules.

So long as they don't attempt to sacrifice me at some odd point, or make me sacrifice some poor innocent soul, I'll stay for awhile.


15th of SexDec, 1147 - Lake Apotheosis
While my last two months here with the Guardians have been reflective and quite relaxing, I can not see myself working with them any longer.  I appreciate their tasks and their devotion, and I certainly appreciate their lax rules, but I need to find somewhere with a few more people.

I'm happy to tell others of the Guardians of Apotheosis.  In fact, a number of the loggers and other merchants who use the Hydincall River wave to the tomb guards as the river empties in the lake at the southeast and exits at the northwest edge.  I commend them for their duties and never questioned the reason for joining this order.

They are not without fault.  The historian's scrolls and tablet cover a wide array of legends, from the end of the world, the return of the original Emperors, and a wide assortment of enchanted weaponry lost during both barbarian invasions, 400 years apart.  I'm familiar with the lost Imperial sword, Bloodbrand, the weapon of choice for the early House Bloodblade, but that's only because it's ornamental carving on many of the older buildings in Feraso City.

Even with their secrets exposed, Bechter is a good man, and if I ever need a place to lay low, I will take him up on his offer to return.

DM Notes:  Lake Apotheosis is one of those sites I wanted to explore more than the base description I originally wrote out, and specifically from a different point of view.  The inspiration for these hidden tombs was part Lord of the Rings, part Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade.  It's fitting that as I was looking for a real-life picture of somewhere that matches my imagination, Lake Taupo in New Zealand was the winner. 

Next: #70 - Just Like Hommlet

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