
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Friday, April 3, 2020

A Nightmare or Two in a Work at Home World

Today wraps up week two of working from home during this Corona extravaganza.  Yesterday was the first real time to venture back into the office, because no one else realized they were still delivering mail to the building.  It's not completely mothballed, but after needing high executive permission  a health survey, and a temperature test just to enter the building, I'm going to reserve my trips to office for Thursday afternoons.

Work from home isn't all it's cracked up to be, either.  With an extra monitor hooked up to my laptop, I've been able to finish up a number of end of month/end of quarter with only some complaining.  With the kids e-learning program, the dogs, and a sense from my significant other that if I'm home I should be doing stuff around the house, I'm usually washing dishes, walking dogs, or generally avoiding my computer after the last conference call of the day.   Six or seven hours split up throughout the day, especially since my wife is a medical professional, working in a potential hotzone location, and when she comes home, there goes an hour while she decompresses and tries to to decontaminate even more.

So in honor of the COVID nightmare, I present a quick paint job of a G-1 Nightmare for Legions of Steel, currently having a Kickstarter for the original figures.

 I'm still amazed how much detail on this figure I keep discovering, even after all these years.  Never took a notice at the device on the Nightmare's sternum, until a few pics on an LOS fanpage turned it into some sort of blinky device.  Gotta touch up the eyes.

Only other thing that got finished was another crate from the Things from the Basement Marketplace set. 

Next Up:  To keep the pandemic theme, the tagline for the next batch of stuff I'm finishing up might be "Shelter in Place."  I've also had a plan to run some games for the girls this week, and by golly, after my 1:30 call, we're breaking out a bunch of games, and some paints before Mom gets home.  

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