
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Monday, April 20, 2020

It's Viscount Day! 2020 Sponsored by Lettuce Balls

Forty-six years on the planet.  Somehow I'm still here....

Following the trend that my kids somehow get a birthday week, month, season, I declared the long weekend my weekend extravaganza.  Nothing too crazy, considering I worked to the wee hours of the night purging and cleaning Playroom/TV room.  Four bags of garbage and some healthy scrubbing later, my wife had a lot less to complain about on the family-do list.

Friday, we finished up some Windsword Mushrooms (pics coming later today), had some leftovers, and I went into clean mode to avoid a familial meltdown, with Blade Runner and Ex Machina in the background.

Saturday took awhile to recover, but the children played nicely (for once).  My wife, without the slings and arrows of outrageous cleaning of the playroom for her, turned her attention on an all day purge of the kitchen.

It's Saturday afternoon, garbage doesn't get picked up until Wednesday afternoon, and we are overflowing with trash.

Finding all of this a good excuse as any to escape, I jump in the car to grab gas and pick up our Red Robin takeout.  Now, I'm fine with the current set-up for take-out/delivery only options, and we're still navigating through a once a week review of what else is open that fits our fancy, but dammit, I can not wait until we can open up the state just enough for me to enjoy breakfast at any sort of traditional diner.  My breakfast scrapple will need to wait a few more weeks.

After dinner, the games finally broke out, with not only the girls, but my wife gracing our presence.

  • Survive!  Escape from Atlantis.  I won handily, as the there were a ton of swimmer trying to avoid sea monsters before the volcano hit.
  • Uno.  Cinderella Uno, to be exact.  I got one game in and the kids behaved themselves. 
  • Apples to Apples - The old stand-by got dusted off from it's purgatory in the garage.  My wife had finished her "one glass" of wine and let's say I had fun flashbacks from our first game we played together, a Trivial Pursuit game at a friend's New Years Eve party, circa 2004.  Good times.
I also forgot that my copy of Apples to Apples is now in the "vintage" category, having been purchased in the pre-corporate "Out of the Box" days.  
Saturday was a morning of binge-watching Nailed It! and we finally played a minis game.  It's been four years, but I finally ran a second "Savage Mice" game with all the mouslings.  AAR will be later this week, but I managed to meld my favorite Savage World parts with some Pulp Alley mechanics for an epic game I ended up in dead last.  

I'm still behind on three or four other miniature scenarios I want to run at home, plus Chickapig and Formula De, but the family wanted more Apples to Apples, so Apples to Apples they got. 

Original Apples to Apples suffers the same thing old "Modern" Trivial Pursuit has with families.  Some of the card are quite dated.  Our favorite example of the night was when 9-year old Millie was judging and selected "Lettuce Balls" as the winning card.

It was Lucille Ball,but I believe Lettuce Balls will be a guaranteed win on any blank card. 

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