
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Thursday, April 2, 2020

(Kickstarter) Legions of Steel Core Miniatures by Raybox Games

After what felt like an eternity, the first Legions of Steel Kickstarter from Raybox Games is live!

That's roughly $42 American....
The first Kickstarter isn't releasing any new minis.  Rather, it's a chance to get the old 90's figures from the original lines to help finance the new edition of the boxed set.  
About $70 American.
Only Machines and UNE are available with the initial launch, but as the video mentioned the Pledge Manager will allow additional purchases of figures plus hopefully an expanded selection for Black Empire, Fantasians, Infrinites, and hopefully t-shirts and actual printed tiles with the latest designs.

S&H will be charged using the Pledge Manager.

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