
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

(Kickstarter) Tales from the Loop - The Board Game

One of the benefits from working from home was discovering the release of the Tales from the Loop show on Amazon Prime.  It's as advertised, based off of the artwork of Simon Stålenhag and the subsequent RPG.

Okay, maybe it's a bit more bleak than I would have wanted.  I thought Tales from the Flood might reach that level of bleakness, not Loop.

If a less bleak 80's retro game with cool robots was your initial impression the Tales from the Loop boardgame on Kickstarter might be more your speed.

In the Tales From the Loop - The Board Game, you take the roles of local kids and play cooperatively to investigate whatever phenomena that threaten the islands (or perhaps just the local video store), and hopefully stop them. Each day starts at school, but as soon as the bell rings you can use whatever time you have before dinner and homework to go exploring! Player actions are integrated, meaning there’s no downtime as you wait for others taking their turn. It also makes cooperating with your fellow players dynamic as you can react to things that happen in a turn and don’t have to plan it all out from the start.


  1. Ha! Of course it's a board game now...

    I mean, I LOVE Simon Stålenhag's art... but do I really need another game...? another co-op game...? another TALES FROM THE LOOP game!? (I have the role-playing game... and this really looks like the RPG boardgamified... which... might not be bad...?).

    1. Of course you need it, Tim! Of course!

    2. Ha!

      I was seriously tempted! SERIOUSLY! But then I looked at the shipping.. with the game and the shipping it would be $100CAD. At this point, I have to be absolutely CERTAIN that I'm going to love the game and want to play it forever and always to lay out that kind of cash for ANOTHER game!

      I should call you Eric the Enabler. (kind of has a nice ring to it!?)

      maybe once it's published... if it shows up at my FLGS and is actually less than... $70 or $80... I might reconsider...

    3. Or I might have a squirrel moment in the next 27 days and go ALL IN... because... I do that sometimes!?

    4. One of the few advantages of being two hours from New York is that I can blame "The Coronoa" for some binge purchasing. So far it's only been the Legions of Steel and Macrocoasm Kickstarters. but I might be delving into on online arts & crafts (these kids and their penchant for painting rocks and hiding them through the neighborhood has exhausted all but a few dollops of white paint.

      I spent a decade in gaming retail, I know how to enable each gamer just.... enough, so they avoid repossession, foreclosure, and usually, divorce.
