
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Lost Dispatches of Feraso #72 - Friends New and Old

3rd of OctDec,  1147 Village of Eding, Kingdom of Crosedes
I'm hoping the last heatwave of the Summer is finally done with us.  OctDec is the harvest month, and this heat has done nothing but dissuade the farmers from doing anything, including preparatory activities.

For the under-employed like myself, I've found cooling off my legs in the river to be satisfactory.  Most folk find a spot behind the manors to sit a spell, but I've picked a particular bend near the witch's hut.  I don't plan on crossing the river if the shade maintains like it does.  Unless the witch is particularly cross with waders, I think I'm secluded enough to avoid her wrath.

But I was surprised to find dear old Caton Beauvau emerging from the Nightwood Forest with nothing but the clothes on his back.  He nonchalantly crossed the river upstream from my position and went on his merry way.

He's been acting weird the past two or three months. I'd be more accustomed to spending some time with some village strumpet, not slinking around the edge of the Nightwood, and agitating a witch that everyone fears, yet no one sees.

4th of OctDec,  1147 Village of Eding, Kingdom of Crosedes
Visitors/Residents of Eding That Eldsderth Can't Trust:

Caton Beauvau - see previous entry.  He seemed his normal self after dinner, but what of his strange prowling?  Even I venture into the Nightwood with a weapon! 

Angus Helenek -  The owner of the Blue Wizard, he's only owned it for three years.  A young, unmarried fellow running a staff of a dozen or so in a well run inn seems sketchy to me.  The people of Eding are pretty decent folk, but the ebb and flow of traders, adventurers, and ne'er do wells has Angus running a pretty good chance of this being a front.

Barrack Tenslow - This young man picks up odd jobs as he can, and is one of Angus' occasional staff behind the bar at the Blue Wizard.  His relationship to me is of an over-observant and over-eager militia trainee.  While most of the militia was indifferent to my rusty but competent swordsmanship, two people took particular interest:  Militia Captain Kraso Lacaray and this Barrack.  Captain Lacaray is a true hearted warrior, but Barrack's relationship with Angus has me questioning him as well. I will keep him close on drills and assignments, perhaps there he'll prove me right, or hopefully prove me wrong.

Ashe Winnebago - The one thing I personally love about this area: Its utter hatred for elves.  Despite a relatively short distance to Agenmoor, elves are all but extinct, save for one bottom feeder.  Ashe, from the ridiculous sounding Winnebago clan, is a self-proclaimed ranger prowling the marshes to the south of town.  Occasionally, he will come in to trade in pelts or baubles he uncovered in his journeys.  So long as he doesn't instigate anything with the lizardmen, and he keeps his stench away from me, I have little to believe he's smart enough to be up to something, but you never know with pointers.

Thavumilr Bottledelver - Almost as rare as a pointer in these parts is a dwarf, and we only have one wandering these part.  Thavumilr is a brewer and merchant, allegedly from Omsjik.  He supplies The Blue Wizard with most of their beer, ales, and even some grog.  Again, I question Angus, because what self-respecting self loathing bar owner doesn't know how to make his own grog?
Bernard and Agatha Gadling - The Sergeant in Arms for Lord Athelstane, and his wife, Agatha, are not untrustworthy in the same sense as these others, rather, they appear to be so incompetent that I don't trust anyone around them for safety's sake.  I hope with the recent birth of their first child, Hob, things may change, but I'd put good money down that he'll be eaten by a lizardman before he turns four.

5th of OctDec,  1147 Village of Eding, Kingdom of Crosedes
The weather is beautiful, the harvest is in full effect, and I can enjoy time inside my home, or the Blue Wizard without feeling I'm been damned to a lower level of Hades.

An incoming caravan came in while I rested at home.  It's chock full of minutiae and random collectibles, and very amusing discount bolts of fabric from a varying source.  I've kept my distance, waiting for a bargain as they're packing up, but I was caught unawares at dinner.  Poking at my stew with a half-stale loaf of bread, I nearly fell off my bench when a heavily accented voice boomed,

"Elsderth Greyhawk?  Is that really you!

Who would know me by that name, and see through my aging disguise?

Next: #73 To be continued.....

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