
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Lost Dispatches of Feraso #73 - Angalm Zhule

5th of OctDec,  1147 Village of Eding, Kingdom of Crosedes - continued

Angalm Zhule lives!

In front of me stood an elderly man with a worn countenance, a ridiculous hat, and a wildly foreign Poholjan accent, marred with years in Nevskia, Talmark, and who knows where else he traveled to in the last 25 years.
The venerable Angalm Zhule
After all these years, he was still a profitable merchant of thing legal, and highly questionable.  Greater Weissmach would always earn a good deal of coin, but far more useful treasures could be found in Ras-Prythax, in Barthey, and even out here in the western frontier of Crosedes.  It was his first time in the Kingdom, and the same trail I followed when I arrived was quite fortuitous for his coin purse... and his inventory.  

After a warm embrace with my friend, I quietly informed him of my name change (apparently the caravan never ventured to Feldkurton), and filled him in on some of the details post-Vesikant.  He did the same in return and I was happy to hear the chaos in the formally recognized Kingdom of Markovia had ended, and the caravan traveled through without incident.  

We drank just enough to enjoy the evening, but not let any of my personal details disseminate to the other inebriated patrons.  I was able to make it home safe and pen this journal entry, so it must amount for something.  

Angalm plans to stick around for a few days to possibly restock some supplies with the fresh harvest.  I plan on sitting near him at the Blue Wizard as much as I can and hear him regale as many stories as he can.  

DM Notes: When I first outlined the Lost Dispatches, I figured 30 episodes total, but as this has evolved, we're still four months out from finishing this out.  Part of the issues, is continually filling out the storylines of Talanth and Elsderth, respectively, but in my research for some details, I fell upon Jason Zavoda's Hall of the Mountain King blog.  There's so much cool material that I'd love to add to the campaign, but instead of praying I'll get to it, I might as well add it to the existing lore now.   

The next couple episodes will be Zhule extolling tales he's heard as he's traveled the world.  Most will be from the Mountain King, and I'll adapt and cite as appropriate.

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