
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Friday, April 24, 2020

Mepacon 38 Lives on Virtually!

The gods were going to deny another trip to Mepacon this year, but they may have relinquished a sliver of hope.

I had planned on making Mepacon 38this spring.  It was right down the road from my house, it was going to be my birthday weekend celebration, and even bringing the girls there (Maja's first con that wasn't as a "free child) it would be a raucous time. 

And then the AAU  schedule came out for the girls.  I think we were going to be in Delaware or Central Jersey the whole weekend, not even a chance of a quick stop Friday before we left. 

Then the Coronavirus showed up in all its glory.  Basketball was put on hiatus, but so was Mepacon.  They scheduled another date of May 15-17, with the hope that it wouldn't be as bad as some projections showed, but even in that perfect scenario, we would be on our cruise that week, returning mid-day Sunday. 

And then Corona knocked everybody for a loop.  Mepacon (and my cruise) were scrapped. 

Except Mepacon wishes to try things a bit differently, hosting an online convention.  Details are still evolving a week after the original announcement, so check the website, check the Mepacon group on Facebook, and if you join, you might see me running a game. 

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