
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Monday, April 27, 2020

The New Reality of Historicon

Just in case you just emerged from hibernating in a cave, COVID-19 has made a mess of living as we know it. 

Ever since Cold Wars barely snuck around the Pennsylvania governor's ban on large gatherings, conventions all over the world have either cancelled (Adepticon), gone virtual (Mepacon), "postponed for a year" (Salute), or rescheduled for the Fall (Origins).

Two big names not mentioned above?  GenCon and Historicon.  

Both conventions are in July, which could be a whole new world, good or bad, so the organizers are playing it by ear.

The Historicon convention team did release an e-mail to HMGS members, vendors, and prior attendees, detailing the contingencies in a world controlled by "The Big 'Rona."

For Vendors:
  1. If Historicon is cancelled due to government restrictions, all Exhibitors will receive a full refund.
  2. If Historicon proceeds but a registered Exhibitor cannot attend due to restrictions local to the Exhibitor, they will receive a full refund.
  3. If Historicon proceeds but a registered Exhibitor chooses not to attend due to medical concerns regarding COVID 19, they will receive a full refund.
  4. If Historicon proceeds but attendance is substantially reduced due to ongoing COVID-19 issues, the Board will discuss and implement an appropriate, pro-rated refund/credit for attending Exhibitors – as they did for Cold Wars 2020.
For Paying Attendees:
  1. If Historicon is cancelled due to government restrictions, all pre-paid Attendees will receive a full refund.
  2. If Historicon proceeds but a pre-paid Attendee cannot attend due to restrictions local to the exhibitor, they will receive a full refund.
  3. If Historicon proceeds but a pre-paid Attendee chooses not to attend due to medical concerns regarding COVID 19, they will receive a full refund.
For GMs, the deadline for events in the Preliminary Event List (PEL) has been pushed back to May 13th.  They're also recognizing the time, money, and effort spent by the GMs in this precarious time by offering Con Vouchers (usually reserved for volunteers) to GMs for every 5 hours of games they run (after the games are run.)  

Of course, they're looking for volunteers too.   I don't know about specific volunteer demographics, but some of those folks appear to be in the critical categories of people susceptible to COVID-19.   A few fresh face helping out might let the alleged graying of the hobby continue unabated.  

And for the record, my wife told me that I should go.  I don't know if she upped my life insurance, she realizes I'll need some fun and excitement by then, or if she's just sick of me being around the house all the time. 

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