
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Monday, May 18, 2020

Cthulhu vs Mice - The Game!

Sometimes a piece of art inspires.

This one terrifies me, and creates a new project to my never-ending list.
The origins of the artwork (at least for the purposes of re-posting elsewhere on social media) appears to be a blog from Japan.  I originally discovered it under a "Mice versus Cthulhu."  Subsequent searches in the English-speaking world agree that these are Cats (of Uthar) saving the world... again.

But what if they were mice... and we could gamify it. 

With birthday money still holding steady, thanks to the Big 'Rona, I'm tempted to place an order for Eureka's Warrior Mice and draw up something a bit less Lovecraftian and more "Fun!"

I'm picturing something very OGRE-esque that's more a game of mutual annihilation.  The closer the mice spearman are, the more damage they'll inflict, but likewise, the more likely they'll be consumed.  There might even be a prime distance to attack from that's advantageous for the mice, but once a game, Mr Cephalopod himself can emerge out of the water and wreck havoc. 

Four players (plus Cthulhu), as kid friendly as suicidal mice attacking a Great Old One might be.  Perhaps and evil cult of mice trying to finish the ritual?  Sounds like more Mepacon than an HMGS con, but the plush Cthulhu in the office literally screaming at me.  I may have failed a SAN check.

Only thing missing are the mounted leaders.  Eureka USA doesn't stock them currently, so I'd either need crazy S&H from Down Under, or to catch the few remaining at an HMGS con without COVID-19. 

Ideas? Thoughts?  Improvements?  Let me know! 

1 comment:

  1. Sounds a fun project. I don't know if postage from the UK is preferable to that from OZ, but Fighting15s has some of the mounted mice (and currently reduced).
