
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Friday, May 15, 2020

(Painting) Archaeology in the Zombie Apocalypse.

A little bit of venting before the stuff I accomplished....

I am so sick and tired of the people too scared to leave their homes for a loaf of bread, as well as all the people demanding to be able to get massages, haircuts, pedicures, and participate in Jell-o wrestling in a bar RIGHT THIS SECOND (all while wearing a mask and proper social distancing).  

Working from home beats the chaos and uncertainty of the grocery and restaurant workers, but between ensuring the kids are up, breathing, and logging on to online schoolwork (I guarantee you none of the kids' teachers have taken more than the mandatory classes on online learning... and it shows), but in no way has it created more time for me to get fun stuff done.  

Combine COVID issue with all April Showers showing up on the last day of April, overwhelming the sump pumps, my wife setting up a home gym down there the second it was warm, the dryer going kaput, and trying find some normalcy in yard chores, my painting/gaming productivity isn't anything like I wanted it to be...

When I snagged the Star Wars d6 30th Anniversary Slipcase on clearance from MiniaturesMarket, I tacked on a few Reaper Bones to winnow down my want list.  I had plans on a great diorama showcasing them, but between the above rant and distractions on the painting bench, I have a different concept.

Archaeology in the Zombie Apocalypse:
The woman with the M-60 is just a generic figure out of Brigade Games' Post-Apocalyptic line.  Not the type of figure I normally buy, but I think I grabbed this off the shelf as to fill out a sales promotion at the Brigade table for Cold Wars. There's an odd Linda Hamilton/Daisy Duke vibe coming from this one.
BG-APC127 Girl with MG
The mini-obelisk and lion's head wall hanging are from one of Windsword's Sands of Egypt decoration sets that are no longer available.  Both were attempts to see how my addiction to GW's Seraphim Sepia continues to affect my painting.
 The mini-obelisk looks good.  There's another animal head in the package, and after working with this one, I'll go back to the multiple dry-brush layers.

I ordered two of the rafts made in Reaper Black Bones.  Both are smaller than my craft/popsicle stick creations in the past, but they will comfortably fit 2-3 normal figures, depending on basing.

A cart made in Reaper Black Bones. The crate and barrel that come with it will be part up the next wave of painting.

Blogging Update:

  • Virtual Mepacon is later today.  I'll try to log on and play something. 
  • Writing up some actual Gnome Wars articles.  Working from home instead of going on a cruise this week has severely affected my relaxing writing projects, as well as a "Best of" listening tour of Ken and Robin Talk About Stuff.  
  • Another Mousling game is prepped and ready to go, hopefully this morning, to celebrate Mepacon.
  • Our Star Wars d6 online game survived its second session on a cliffhanger already.  The vast archive of SW info online makes the feel of the game a lot different than the ones in the 90s.  

Next up and the paint bench:  The bench had a backlog from before my online order, but the remaining Reaper Bones are up, with all my other new stuff moving to the head of the line.  The 7 Dwarves from Macrocosm are cleaned, based, and primed, and I'm still staring at a giant box of the Dangerous Dames from Pulp Figures, plus a plethora of bits and pieces I found cleaning out the office.

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