
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Friday, May 1, 2020

The One More Month of Lockdown Challenge!

For me, today marks six weeks of working from home.  Quite frankly, it's a pain in the butt, and I miss my squad of interns to keep some manual processes from overwhelming my full-time staff, but it beats waiting for unemployment. 

I have managed to break the ice with some games and gaming projects.  The kids have painted stuff, I've painted stuff, and we've gotten Pulp and Mousling games under our belt. 

With a minimum of four weeks left until my work-from-home order is lifted, and things like the girls' local basketball teams can meet up at an outside court, I think it's as good a time as any to assemble a wish list of games I'd like to complete before June 1st. 

Pure Nostalgia
Car Wars 
I learned all three of these in high school, so the kids might still be a wee bit young, but getting use out of the Pocket Box Games of the 80's would be great.

Call of Cthulhu 
Star Wars d6
My Little Pony
We finally had a real online gaming session for the first time in weeks, and two of these games were suggested as ongoing.  I might ease into something long-term with another Canadian Cthulhu game, and I just got the Star Wars RPG 30th Anniversary slipcase on massive discount from MiniaturesMarket.   Of course, I should get the girls to play some Ponies, or perhaps a slot or two at the Virtual Mepacon. 

Family Fun
Dungeon Roll
Formula D (4-players)
Martian Dice
Santa's Bag
We did knock out some of the old favorites like Zombie Dice, Chupacabra Dice, Uno, even Apples to Apples in the past few weeks, so here's the stuff we should probably try and revisit them.

Burning Plastic
Contemptible Little Armies
Gnome Wars
Last Days
Legions of Steel
Savage Worlds 
Miniatures are always a production in this house, yet I always believe that I could run a different game using a different system each week.  God, I'm a moron!  But here I am, trying to keep the momentum rolling from April, and delve into the excitement of exposing the girls to B'Tech and proper LOS.  If I don't get to Burning Plastic *spoilers* I have it slated for my Father's Day game.

Terraforming Mars
Yeah, one game has its own category?  Truth is, TM is my go-to present when a gamer needs one, its a fantastic game with  tons of replay, but yet, I do not own it.  I still have a whole bunch of  Amazon gift cards that need to be used, and as most of my Cruise reading is currently not available, perhaps I can apply them towards TM.  

I'm so crazy and unrealistic, I'll also allow room to play each game three times. 

I'll also be clinically insane and try to get some more progress at Ye Olde Painting Bench
I've got one full unit of Gnome Wars figures to finish, up, two boxes of zombies, and 30 Zulus that need assembly  Plus a plethora of Reaper Bones that may or may not be needed for a game.  Ten slots at least to donate I accomplished something. 

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