
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Lost Dispatches of Feraso #82 - Another Rescue in Nightwood Forest

1st of Hexdec 1160 - Village of Eding, Kingdom of Crosedes
I never kidnapped a child before...  the Gadling family have been the the biggest group of ignoramuses I have ever seen and each new addition is dumber than the previous. It almost felt too easy to lure young Gad (Gad Gadling? Seriously!?!) away from the family, but by the time I met my kobold rendezvous in the Nightwood, he hadn't noticed anything amiss, I gave up any hope for that child.

2nd of Hexdec 1160 - Village of Eding, Kingdom of Crosedes
It literally took an entire day for that family to discover that their child was missing. These people are the reason that barbarians destroy our civilizations every couple hundred years or so.

But, once they pulled their heads out of their collective backsides, they brewed up the proper brouhaha right in the middle of the town green, drawing everyone to their plight.

I paid little attention to their wailing, paid no heed to the words of W. when they appeared and chastised the village, rather I positioned myself near our marks. I took advantage of the indifference of Krull, Torm immediately advising them that their group had been randomly volunteered to search the Nightwood for the boy. Markuus' and Theron's strong penchant for acceptance took that hook, line, and sinker, and the half-orc boys' sense of community spirit sold it.

I took my normal patrol and headed up the River Road to search along the manors. Apparently taking the patrol to the halfling villages for some rest and relaxation last time we had a missing child was a bit much, so after a morning of searching, we found some shady spots and fished until we returned back, late for dinner.

3rd of Hexdec 1160 - Village of Eding, Kingdom of Crosedes
Day two of fishing. Still no bites, although others were successful. No sign of the marks, although it's still early. I can pull off one more fishing day before I need to think about leading a search party into the Nightwood to rescue all their sorry lot.

4th of Hexdec 1160 - Village of Eding, Kingdom of Crosedes
Good news for my non-existent fishing prowess: Word came early in the morning of the "Hero's arrival" with young Gad. Celebrations had already started, including W. providing them with a respectable reward and disappearing back into the shack.

By the time we arrived back in town, the celebration was getting its second wind, and Markuus looked to be on his last legs, his head covered in bandages.

Apparently less than a quarter mile into the Nightwood, the party was fell upon by an ingenious trap. While investigating some miscellaneous clothing along the trail, a group of goblins set off a swinging rock trap. Good sized rocks, tied to ropes and hung from the highest canopy in the forests flew down on the unwitting adventurers. Most dodged out of the way, one or two got some nasty bruises, but Markuss the elf? Two of them square in the noggin. After that catastrophe, there was little he could do, so the others avenged his fall by charging up the hillside and dispatching the goblins.

Markuus was little use for the rest of their quest (and the butt of jokes at the Blue Wizard), but our "Heroes" killed two trollkin, rescued Gad from the kobold encampment (raising enough of an alarm so the kobolds would contact their goblin overlords of the incursion), and were gently chased out of the Nightwood by a lackadaisical kobold pursuit, which only stopped when a rodent of usual size appeared unexpectedly.
Unlike his older brother, young Gad was subject to residing in the special cheek pouch the Nightwood Rodents possess.

Gad was rescued, the Gadling family relieved (until they misplace another child tomorrow), the heroes celebrated, and hopefully the Lords of G'ba made aware of a minor trespass into their lands by some ignorant adventurers, but I'm sure the panicked kobolds and goblins played it up far worse than what happened.

GM Notes:  The first adventure of the the Army campaign, and the strong, handsome, and incredibly overconfident Markuus has met his match with a rock trap.  

I found this on a few years back on a random topic, in Markuus' player, Mike's own words:

"I remember playing a sylvan elf cleric of illmater the god of pain and suffering with a very high str in the late 90's and when i first started playing we ran into goblins that had boulders on a hill and i thought i was tough so i charged them but as i underestimated eric at the time for being a wicked gm they had vines wrapped around them and when i got hit i had only 1 hp left."
Markuus is suffering post-concussion syndrome, but his recollection might be correct.

Next: #83 Return to the Castle in the Moors

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