
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Monday, June 8, 2020

(Painting) An Unexpected Encounter

A weekend full of yard work and honey-do projects still aligned to a very productive time at the painting bench!

I started working down the lead pile from the top with some of the Reaper purchases from Miniatures Market during quarantine.  I had planned on getting all them done for one big scene, but slow painters can't be choosers, so I made some changes to post something last month.

I got a little bit further, so all but a few Bones accessories are complete, and a new scene....
First off is Bergamot, Halfling Scout in Reaper Bones Black.
Bergamot, Halfling Scout
Halfling Cook, in traditional Bones. Any excuse to use Avacado paint for an actual "foodstuff" is a good thing.
Halfling Cook
Ever since GW released their warhounds for Mordheim, I've actively looked for more wardogs for gaming.  Lo' and behold, Reaper has some very big "wardogs" in Bones.
War Dogs
The mummies are both from the cheap bins for cons/flea markets.  The one of the right was from Heroquest, and the other I swear was one of the WizKids clix figures that I pulled off the dial and repainted (except for the skin color, loved that as is.)

Next Up:  Another group of random figures, some gnomes, and perhaps another Mousling game.

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