
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Saturday, July 11, 2020

(Kickstarter) Anthropomorphic Adventurers by Blind Beggar Games

Despite the pleadings and admissions of awesomeness from our intrepid correspondent and AWARD WINNING GM Mike Lung, I usually avoid posting about the Blind Beggar Kickstarters for three reasons: (1) Some of the sculpts have not been up to snuff (2) Some of the prices are a bit high and (3) The Kickstarter lengths have been terribly short.  Many of the third-party promotion of Kickstarters (re: blogs) don't kick into gear until weeks two or three.

The current Blind Beggar Kickstarter, Anthropomorphic Adventurers: White Metal Sci-Fi Miniatures
hits one of my soft spots (animals), the sculpts look good, and Mike caught my attention early enough to give them a solid mention.

On top of that, they are re-offering the Space Bears from a prior Kickstarter.  A hearty opponent of the adventurers, indeed.

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