
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Sunday, July 19, 2020

(Nostalgia) Historicon Games I've Run

With Historicon falling to the COVID this year, and being replace with Cyber Wars this year, it might be a good time to look back and reminisce about Historicon games I ran long ago....

The only note I'll add:  HMGS was in Fredericksburg for a long time, at least to this Northerner....

2019 - The Gnome Joust
2018 - Gnome Wars

The MBA Middle East board - Historicon 2011
Gnomes on the MBA board - Historicon 2011
The Gnome Joust - 2010 

The Historicon 1999 PEL
Historicon to me isn't for running games.  It's for playing games.  Cold Wars and Fall-In! have all benefited from the experimental concepts of The Gnome King, the Stout Gnomes, and myself.

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