
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Friday, August 28, 2020

(Painting) I Painted Squat This Week

RPGs might dominate my feed in August, but that doesn't mean I can't post my painting progress on Friday.

Thanks to the fact that I'm still toast after two circuits of my weight program, it's a perfect excuse to cross the basement and work on some painting, until I feel good enough to complete the other two.

Let's introduce Colonel Gordo Avgas.
It took me forever to remember where I got this fella from.  Out of the blue, this was offered as a stretch goal for the Alpine Dwarf Kickstarter from Old School Miniatures.  He came with a small military-style box to sit upon, which was painted up long ago.  He now sits upon a Mountain Dew cap because his journey isn't quite over yet.

(Edit: I discovered his name is actually Eric the Dwarf and he has a whole crew available.)

And this may be his assistant, Scurt Grimdark
 Again, I don't know that model or the manufacturer, but I did pick this one up at an HMGS flea market.  He was pretty dinged up, so this is just a refurb, some fresh paint and a little extra shading.

Colonel Gordo is part of a long-term project.  The rest isn't finished, so I won't show it all together, but Scurt seems to fit in as support crew.
Next:  Colonel Avgas' partner needs to be finished up, and I really need to look at my Gnome Wars unit, but look to Sunday afternoon's post for the next big (and mundane) project on the painting bench.

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