
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Monday, August 10, 2020

#RPGaDay2020: Day 10 - The Current Want List

Day 10's prompt for #RPGaDay2020 is "Want."

A quick look at my measly RPG want list appears to be in order.

I regularly review the monthly solicitations from Alliance Games through their Game Trade Magazine. I even write up a monthly post of the cool items getting released, so I'm quite aware of most new items coming out on the market.

Yet, my actual want list, heck even including the "Money-Is-No-Object" want list items, is relatively sparse.

Call of Cthulhu: Shadow Over Providence 
I'm one of the seven people in the world not won over by CoC 7th, and the post-7th focus on "quality" and hardcovers does not impress me, nor my wallet.  This one is written by Jon Hook, and I have a soft spot for anything from the guys at the Miskatonic University Podcast.

Starfinder RPG - Pocket Edition
Wherein I usually detested everything from the 3e/d20 era, the rules seems a better fit for crunchy sci-fit.  I don't know how much of  this I'll play, but I've got some freebie material that might go over well with the girls. 

Spirit of '77 Greatest Hits Vol 2
Spirit of '77 was my introduction to Powered by the Apocalypse (PotA) games, and while some can seem a bit pretentious, this one hits all my sensibilities.  I have a number of items on pdf, and moving them to print is an obvious move to support.
My Little Pony RPG: Ogres and Oubliettes
My Little Pony RPG: Judge Not by Its Cover
My Little Pony RPG: Haunting of Equestria
My Little Pony RPG: Bestiary of Equestria
My Little Pony RPG: The Curious Case of the Malfunctioning PRANCER
No, I'm not a Brony, unless a dad with two young girls fits that bill.  River Horse's RPG has allowed  me to run some fantastic all-ages games at conventions.  I was a more stalwart supporter of the game, but between the kids' schedules pre-COVID, my work schedule during COVID, and the lack of motivation for convention material while things are still uncertain, I'm a bit behind on my purchasing.

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