
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

#RPGaDay2020: Day 11 - The Game Stack I Want to Play

Day 11 of #RPGaDay2020 gives us "stack," and I can only think of the pile of games I want to play.

Since I pine over this topic every year, games with "*" are new additions.

*Star Frontiers: We completed our first story arc in our Star Wars d6 campaign using the first two modules of the Volturnus series for Star Frontiers.  After weeks of conversion and re-interpretation, I would love to actually play Star Frontiers.  It definitely has a unique sci-fi feel I couldn't carry over into Star Wars.

*Autoduel (any system):  Part of this is me going Car Wars heavy in the Pocket Box Games of the 80's Kickstarter from Steve Jackson Games.  My birthday bash back in April was supposed to be Car Wars-focused, but now I'm staring at all the role-playing material that came along with it.  It doesn't even need to be GURPS, but c'mon... at least one session should be GURPS to shed the nostalgia. 

Recon:  The red-headed step-child of Palladium has always had a soft spot in my heart.  It's quick, it's simple, and I can drop players in any conflict during that era. 

Hackmaster:  If we ever get the band back together, it might involve me buying everyone new computers (we are a cheap lot).  We can't start where we left off, but that's okay because I've had 15 years to think about it.

Call of Cthulhu:  The easiest option when face-to-face gaming becomes a reality, is a gradual reimmersion into the CoC campaign I wrapped up in 2016.  A few "unconnected" one-shots leading to the re-introduction of the surviving characters from Masks of Nyarlathotep.  There's some unfinished business in New York City, some odd leads begging for a trip to Arkham... and Innsmouth, and answer a  troubling question if a physicist with a filthy rich patron can use science to counteract the flippant actions of the Black Pharoah himself.  Good times.

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